Recent Publications in Music

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Aquila R.  2022.  Rock & roll in Kennedy's America : a cultural history of the early 1960s /. :400pages:.
Fifer J, Impey A, Kirchschlaeger PG, Nowak M, Ulrich G.  2022.  The Routledge companion to music and human rights . :1onlineresource(xxxi,516pages).
Durkin R, Dayan P, Englund A, Clausius K.  2022.  The Routledge companion to music and modern literature . :xx,441pages:.
Mathias R.  2022.  The Routledge handbook on women's work in music . :xxi,465pages:.
Mann LKingston.  2022.  Rude citizenship : Jamaican popular music, copyright, and the reverberations of colonial power /. :228pages;.
Goertzen C.  2022.  Rugs, guitars, and fiddling : intensification and the rich modern lives of traditional arts /. :1onlineresource(vii,180pages):.
Chabrowski IIwo..  2022.  Ruling the Stage . :1onlineresource(367p.)..
Cantwell D..  2022.  The Running Kind Listening to Merle Haggard.. :1onlineresource(337p.).
Papanikolaou E, Rathey M.  2022.  Sacred and secular intersections in music of the long nineteenth century : church, stage, and concert hall /. :1onlineresource.
McIntyre M.  2022.  Science, music, and mathematics : the deepest connections /. :xiv,213pages:.
Cannon AM.  2022.  Seeding the Tradition Musical Creativity in Southern Vietnam.. :1onlineresource(305p.)..
Nollan VZ.  2022.  Sergei Rachmaninoff : cross rhythms of the soul /. :xi,386pages:.
Metting F.  2022.  Seven American musicians and ensembles : Mississippi John Hurt, Doc Watson, Fats Domino, Little Richard, The Million Dollar Quartet, Ola Belle Reed, Hazel Dickens /. :ii,139pages;.
Rodgers M, Green J.  2022.  Shy : the alarmingly outspoken memoirs of Mary Rodgers /. :vi,467pages:.
Shelemay KKaufman..  2022.  Sing and Sing On : Sentinel Musicians and the Making of the Ethiopian American Diaspora.. :1onlineresource(469pages).
Friddle D, Strimple N.  2022.  Sing romantic music romantically: nineteenth-century choral performance practices /. :xxvii,418pages:.
McParland R.  2022.  Singer-songwriters of the 1970s : 150+ profiles /. :v,203pages;.
Grana NDouglass.  2022.  A singing approach to horn playing : pitch, rhythm, and harmony training for horn /. :xv,231pages:.
Gillies RLouis.  2022.  Singing Soviet stagnation : vocal cycles from the USSR, 1964-1985 /. :1onlineresource..
Simmons C.  2022.  Singing the goddess into place : locality, myth, and social change in Chamundi of the hill, a Kannada folk ballad /. :xviii,245pages:.
Flynn A.  2022.  So you want to sing musical theatre : a guide for performers /. :xxvii,418pages:.
Powers KCongo, Campion C.  2022.  Some new kind of kick : a memoir /. :xiii,258pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Sheppard WAnthony.  2022.  Sondheim in our time and his . :xii,444pages:.
Lingan J.  2022.  A song for everyone : the story of Creedence Clearwater Revival /. :xiv,368pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Callahan M, Kelley RDG, Akuno K.  2022.  Songs of slavery and emancipation . :1onlineresource(x,200pages):.
