Recent Publications in Music

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Cuyler AC.  2021.  Access, diversity, equity, and inclusion in cultural organizations : insights from the careers of executive opera managers of color in the U.S. /. :1onlineresource(119pages)..
Wilbourne E, Cusick SG.  2021.  Acoustemologies in contact : Sounding subjects and modes of listening in early modernity /. :1onlineresource.
Díaz JDiego.  2021.  Africanness in action : essentialism and musical imaginations of Africa in Brazil /. :1onlineresource(xi,304pages):.
Koço E..  2021.  Albanian Identity in History and Traditional Performance . :1onlineresource(283p.).
Atkinson P.  2021.  Amplified : a design history of the electric guitar /. :272pages:.
Solomon K.  2021.  Amy Winehouse .
Philips D.  2021.  And this is my friend Sandy : Sandy Wilson's The boy friend, London theatre and gay culture /. :1onlineresource(156pages).
Raykoff I.  2021.  Another song for Europe : music, taste, and values in the Eurovision Song Contest /. :1onlineresource(viii,192pages):.
Bradley IC.  2021.  Arthur Sullivan : a life of divine emollient /. :1onlineresource(xi,214pages)..
Leaver RA.  2021.  Bach studies : liturgy, hymnology, and theology /. :1onlineresource(xvii,394pages).
Jensen OCox.  2021.  The ballad-singer in Georgian and Victorian London . :1onlineresource.
Greig D.  2021.  Baroque music in post-war cinema : performance practice and musical style /. :1onlineresource..
November N.  2021.  Beethoven's symphonies arranged for the chamber : sociability, reception, and canon formation /. :xvii,258pages:.
Palazzetti N.  2021.  Béla Bartók in Italy : the politics of myth-making /. :xiv,302pages:.
Bizet G, Macdonald H, Bizet G, Bizet G.  2021.  Bizet in Italy : letters and journals, 1857-1860 /. :xxiii,258pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
