Recent Publications in Music

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Adelmann D.  2019.  The contribution of Cambridge ecclesiologists to the revival of Anglican choral worship 1839-62 . :1volume;.
Bennett S, Bates E.  2019.  Critical approaches to the production of music and sound . :1volume:.
Pace I, McBride N.  2019.  Critical perspectives on Michael Finnissy : bright futures, dark pasts /. :1volume;.
Wright JLobalzo.  2019.  Crossover stardom : popular male music stars in American cinema /. :1volume:.
Anesiadis A.  2019.  Crossover the edge : where hardcore, punk and metal collide /. :1volume:.
Birch W.  2019.  Cruel to be kind : the life and music of Nick Lowe /. :1volume;.
Shaw JT.  2019.  Culturally responsive choral music education : what teachers can learn from nine students' experiences in three choirs /. :1volume:.
Baker S, Istvandity L, Nowak R.  2019.  Curating pop : exhibiting popular music in the museum /. :x,179pages:.
Shopland N.  2019.  The curious case of the Eisteddfod baton . :1volume;.
Shopland N.  2019.  The curious case of the Eisteddfod baton . :1onlineresource..
Glyn G.  2019.  Da Capo . :196pages:.
Ramnarine TK.  2019.  Dance, music and cultures of decolonisation in the Indian diaspora . :1volume;.
Mangaoang A.  2019.  Dangerous mediations : pop music in a Philippine prison video /. :xiv,238pages:.
Belknap D, Steel DWarren.  2019.  Daniel Belknap (1771-1815) : the collected works /. :1onlineresource..
Letellier RIgnatius.  2019.  Daniel-François-Esprit Auber's Les chaperons blancs . :1volume;.
Bell C, Howe Z.  2019.  Dayglo : the Poly Styrene story /. :208pages:.
O'Shea M.  2019.  Dead straight guide to The Smiths. :1volume;.
Levenson S, Pasek B, Paul J.  2019.  Dear Evan Hansen : the complete book and lyrics /. :1volume;.
Reynolds R.  2019.  Dear future historians : lyrics and exegesis of Rou Reynolds for the music of Enter Shikari 2006-2019 /. :272pages;.
Wagner R.  2019.  Der fliegender Holländer . :181pages.
Gayraud A, Miller D, Power N.  2019.  Dialectic of pop . 8:ix,470pages;.
Williams DA.  2019.  A different paradigm in music education : re-examining the profession /. :1onlineresource..
Spilker HStorstein.  2019.  Digital music distribution : the sociology of online music streams /. :1volume:.
Harkins P, Harkins P.  2019.  Digital sampling : the design and use of music technologies /. :xi,195pages:.
Vear C.  2019.  The digital score : musicianship, creativity and innovation /. :xxii,227pages:.
