Recent Publications in Music
The Cantigas de Santa Maria : power and persuasion at the Alfonsine court /. :xlvii,255pages:.
2024. .
2024. A light in the darkness : the music and life of Joaquín Rodrigo /. :xvii,491pages:.
2024. The marqués, the divas, and the castrati : Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán and opera in the early modern Spanish orbit /. :xxiv,760pages:.
2024. Music and modernity in Enlightenment Spain . :vii,298pages:.
2024. .
Coros y danzas : folk music and Spanish nationalism in the early Franco regime (1939-1953) /. :x,202pages:.
2023. Freedom moves : hip hop knowledges, pedagogies, and futures /. 3.:xxvi,448pages:.
2023. The Routledge companion to jazz and gender . :1onlineresource(xv,498pages):.
2023. Sonic ruins of modernity : Judeo-Spanish folksongs today /. :1onlineresource(xvii,222pages):.
2023. Villancico I (nʹ 35-47) . n. 5:12scores(426p.):.
2023. Women in convent spaces and the music networks of early modern Barcelona . :xix,296pages:.
2023. Female-voice song and women's musical agency in the middle ages . volume 5:1onlineresource..
2022. The Ibero-American Baroque . :1onlineresource..
2022. .
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Música y músicos en la Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor de Talavera de la Reina (1800-1851) . 20:659pages:.
2022. Popular song in the 19th century . volume XLVI:xxvi,358pages:.
2022. .
2022. Understanding the Old Hispanic Office : Texts, Melodies, and Devotion in Early Medieval Iberia /. :1onlineresource.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. .
2021. .