Recent Publications in Music
Between norteño and tejano conjunto : music, tradition and culture at the U.S.-Mexico border /. :ix,161pages:.
2021. Carlos Chávez y su mundo. :503páginas.
2018. Copla, ideología y poder. :288p..
2020. Crossing borders : my journey in music /. :1onlineresource(xviii,172pages).
2021. Cuba y las músicas negras.. Biblioteca de la Cátedra del Exilio. :273p..
2017. Every good boy does fine : a love story, in music lessons /. :xi,368pages:.
2022. Feels like home : a song for the Sonoran borderlands /. :xxvii,218pages:.
2022. Historia de la música en España e Hispanoamérica. Volumen 5: La música en España en el siglo XIX.. :752p..
2018. The invention of Latin American music : a transnational history /. :1onlineresource..
2020. La compositora asturiana María Teresa Prieto (1895-1982): creación y añoranza en el México del siglo XX. Hispanic Music Series, 4. :327p..
2020. .
2020. La verdad : an international dialogue on hip hop Latinidades /. :xiv,317pages;.
2016. Love & rage : autonomy in Mexico city's punk scene /. :xi,207pages:.
2022. Mario Barradas and Son Jarocho : the journey of a Mexican regional music /. :1onlineresource(201pages).
2022. The marqués, the divas, and the castrati : Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán and opera in the early modern Spanish orbit /. :xxiv,760pages:.
2024. Music and modernity among first peoples of North America . :xviii,330pages:.
2019. Musical mobilities : son jarocho and the circulation of tradition across Mexico and the United States /. :1volume:.
2019. .
2020. The punk reader : research transmissions from the local and the global /. :1onlineresource(324pages):.
2019. Rosa García Ascot y la generación del 27. Thesaurus. 66:300p..
2018. Rugs, guitars, and fiddling : intensification and the rich modern lives of traditional arts /. :1onlineresource(vii,180pages):.
2022. Scattered musics . :1onlineresource(xiv,239pages):.
2021. .
2022. .