Recent Publications in Music

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Meier B.  2018.  Alban Berg Biographie. :342Seiten.
Maul M, Howe R.  2018.  Bach's famous choir : the Saint Thomas School in Leipzig, 1212-1804 /. :1onlineresource(xviii,394pages):.
Steindorf E, Blomstedt H.  2018.  Die Konzerttätigkeit der Königlichen musikalischen Kapelle zu Dresden (1817-1858) : institutionsgeschichtliche Studie und Dokumentation /. Band 11:960pages;.
[Anonymous].  2018.  Drama bez heroja i nacije. Trendovi talijanske opere u doba Zajčeva Nikole Šubića Zrinjskog. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Lindmayr-Brandl A, Giselbrecht E, McDonald G.  2018.  Early music printing in German-speaking lands . :1onlineresource(xvi,264pages):.
Cáceres-Piñuel M.  2018.  El hombre del rincón. José Subirá y la historia cultural e intelectual de la musicología en España.. DeMúsica. 20:408p..
Tozer M.  2018.  From Prussia with love : music at Uppingham School, 1853-1908 /. :61pages:.
Desbruslais S.  2018.  The music and music theory of Paul Hindemith . :1onlineresource..
Jefferies G.  2018.  Time flowing backwards. :300.
Allen R.  2018.  Wilhelm Furtwängler : art and the politics of the unpolitical /. :1onlineresource(xxxi,286pages):.
Wolff C, Söhnel M, Zepf M.  2017.  Bach : eine Lebensgeschichte in Bildern = a life in pictures /. :469pages:.
Donnelly SE.  2017.  Beatles discography : the releases : volume one - October 1961 - December 1970 /. :v,127pages:.
Talle A..  2017.  Beyond Bach : music and everyday life in the eighteenth century . :1onlineresource.
Petric J.  2017.  Concert Accordion: Contemporary Perspectives. Texte zur Geschichte und Gegenwart des Akkordeons. :321pages,7unnumberedpages.
Marx HJoachim, Voss S.  2017.  Die G.F. Händel zugeschriebenen Kompositionen, 1700-1800 = The compositions attributed to G.F. Handel, 1700-1800 (HWV Anh. B) /. :510pages:.
Badura-Skoda E.  2017.  The eighteenth-century fortepiano grand and its patrons from Scarlatti to Beethoven . :1onlineresource.
Rampe S.  2017.  Georg Philipp Telemann und seine Zeit . :569pages:.
Wipplinger JO.  2017.  The jazz republic : music, race, and American culture in Weimar Germany /. :1onlineresource(xi,311pages)..
Studdert W.  2017.  The jazz war : radio, Nazism and the struggle for the airwaves in World War II /. 1:1onlineresource(256pages)..
Cox G, Stevens RSydney.  2017.  The origins and foundations of music education : international perspectives /. :xvi,290pages:.
Ahlers M, Jacke C.  2017.  Perspectives on German popular music . :xvii,320pages;.
Walton C.  2017.  Richard Flury : the life and music of a Swiss Romantic /. :327pages:.
Arnborg B.  2017.  Se på mig! : en biografi över Zarah Leander /. :511pages:.
