Recent Publications in Music

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Search results for France  [Reset Search]
Mawer D, Kelly BL, Moore R, Sadler G.  2023.  Accenting the classics : editing European music in France, 1915-1925 /. :xv,364pages:.
Letellier RIgnatius, Fuller NLester.  2023.  Adolphe Adam, master of the opéra-comique, 1824-1856 . :xxvii,539pages,166unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Letellier RIgnatius, Fuller NLester.  2023.  Adolphe Adam, master of the romantic ballet, 1830-1856 . :xxvpages,pages543-717,approximately220pagesofplates:.
Masci MJ.  2023.  Charles-Simon Catel's treatise on harmony : and the disciplining of harmony at the early Paris Conservatory /. :ix,257pages:.
Jordan DDavid.  2023.  Coros y danzas : folk music and Spanish nationalism in the early Franco regime (1939-1953) /. :x,202pages:.
Jerold B.  2023.  Equal temperament in the eighteenth century : the ear versus numbers /. volume 6:xiv,186pages:.
Solomos M.  2023.  Exploring the ecologies of music and sound. . :1onlineresource.
Golovlev A.  2023.  French and Soviet musical diplomacies in post-war Austria, 1945-1955 . :1onlineresource(188pages)..
Braithwaite W, Flury R.  2023.  The golden shore . :xxvii,502pages:.
Gordon L.  2023.  International trade and the music industry : live music services from the Caribbean /. :1onlineresource(xii,110pages):.
Brehm B.  2023.  Kaleidophonic modernity : transatlantic sound, technology, and literature /. :281pages:.
Deeming H, Van der Heijden F.  2023.  Medieval polyphony and song . :xiv,248pages:.
Latour M.  2023.  The voice of virtue : moral song and the practice of French stoicism, 1574-1652 /. :xxvi,321pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
