Recent Publications in Music
Cosima Wagner : ein widersprüchliches Leben /. :359pages:.
2022. Comprehensive introduction to Chinese traditional music . Music volume:647pages:.
2023. .
2020. .
2023. Eighteenth-Century Theatre Capitals . :1onlineresource(466p.).
2022. "Padron mio colendissimo ..." : letters about music and the stage in the 18th century /. 4:xii,804pages:.
2021. Theatre spaces for music in 18th-century Europe . :1onlineresource.
2020. The shadow of the empress : fairy-tale opera and the end of the Habsburg monarchy /. :1onlineresource(xiv,435pages):.
2023. Francesco Bartolomeo Conti : his life and music /. :1onlineresource(1volume)..
2018. Hanslick im Kontext Perspektiven auf die Ästhetik, Musikkritik und das historische Umfeld von Eduard Hanslick / Perspectives on the Aesthetics, Musical Criticism, and Historical Setting of Eduard Hanslick.. :1onlineresource(306p.).
2020. Well-tempered festschrift : reading "Music Preferred.". :1onlineresource.
2020. .
Ivan Zajc (1832-1914): Glazbene migracije i kulturni transferi u srednjoj Europi i šire u ‘dugom’ 19. stoljeću. Ivan Zajc (1832-1914) : Musical Migrations and Cultural Transfers in the ‘Long’ 19th Century in Central Europe and Beyond, Zagreb 16-18 October 2014. :575.
2016. .
2017. .
2020. .
2021. Klang als dramatisches Ausdrucksmittel in den Opern Franz Schrekers . v.55:1onlineresource(410p.)..
2022. Klang als dramatisches Ausdrucksmittel in den Opern Franz Schrekers . Band 55:407pages:.
2022. Musik für das Medium Radio (1923-1934) . :2volumes(980pages):.
2022. August Wilhelm Ambros : Wege seiner Musikkritik, -ästhetik und -historiographie /. Band 53:298pages:.
2021. .
2022. .
2020. Wolfgang Amadè Mozart : the reign of love /. :1volume;.
2020. .
2020. .