Recent Publications in Music

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Cave N.  2016.  The sick bag song. :117pages;.
Alwakeel R.  2016.  Smile if you dare: pointy hats and politics with the pet shop boys, 1993-1994. :ii,165pages(largeprint):illustrations;24cm..
Hope C, Trainer A, Studham S.  2016.  Sound scripts. [proceedings of the 2015 Totally Huge New Music Festival Conference] /. :111pages:.
O'Connor D.  2016.  Stripping : an incomplete autobiography /. :361pages:illustrations,portraits;21cm..
Cassar-Daley T, Gilling T.  2016.  Things I carry around. :309pages:16pagesofunnumberedplates;.
K. MH.  2016.  Thirty years of anger : one man's journey through the Australian underground hardcore punk & extreme metal scenes /.
Duff J, Meldrum M.  2016.  This will explain everything. :246pages:colourillustrations,portraits;25cm..
Barnes J..  2016.  Working class boy. :x,362pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Simeone N, Tyrrell J.  2015.  Charles Mackerras. :xxii,298pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Choi JB, Maliangkay R.  2015.  K-pop : the international rise of the Korean music industry /. 40:xii,181pages:illustrations;.
Homan S, Cloonan M, Cattermole J.  2015.  Popular music industries and the state : policy notes. Volume 8 of Routledge Studies in Popular Music:258p.
McNeil R..  2014.  The Australian symphony from Federation to 1960. :xii,237pages:music;25cm.
