Recent Publications in Music

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Tesler-Mabé H.  2020.  Mahler's forgotten conductor : Heinz Unger and his search for Jewish meaning, 1895-1965 /. :pagescm.
Touriñán-Morandeira L.  2020.  Marcial del Adalid (1826-1881): biografía, catalogación de su obra musical y su vinculación con la creatividad cultural socio-identitaria.. Facultad de Geografía e Historia.
Thiel M..  2020.  Mariss Jansons : ein leidenschaftliches Leben für die Musik /. :318pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Trageser M.  2020.  Millionen Herzen im Dreivierteltakt : die Komponisten des Zeitalters der "Silbernen Operette" /. :314pages:.
Baird A., Garrido S, Tamplin J.  2020.  Music and dementia : from cognition to therapy /. :xi,306pages:.
Turbet R.  2020.  Music librarianship in the UK : fifty years of the British Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries /. :1onlineresource..
Treece D.  2020.  Music scenes and migrations : space and transnationalism in Brazil, Portugal and the Atlantic /. :1volume;.
Tsioulakis I.  2020.  Musicians in crisis : working and playing in the Greek popular music industry /. :1volume:.
Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
del Canpo P, Torres E.  2020.  Musicoterapia y Medicina. Intervenciones y casos clínicos.
Tägil I.  2020.  Näktergalen : en biografi över Jenny Lind.
Thistlethwaite N.  2020.  Organ-building in Georgian and Victorian England : the work of Gray & Davison, 1772-1890 /. 24:1onlineresource:.
Schaeffner A, Taylor R, Lih A, Lih E.  2020.  The origin of musical instruments : an ethnological introduction to the history of instrumental music /. :1onlineresource:.
Tófalvy T, Barna E.  2020.  Popular music, technology, and the changing media ecosystem : from cassettes to stream /. :1onlineresource:.
Tuxen H.  2020.  Punk rock is freedom : Kurt Cobain, the soul, the sound, the story /. :342Seiten:.
Thrasher AR.  2020.  Qupai in Chinese music : melodic models in form and practice /. :1volume:.
Turković H.  2020.  Rasprava o popratnoj filmskoj glazbi. Filmološka biblioteka. :163.
Tolokonnikova N.  2020.  Read and riot : a Pussy Riot guide to activism /. :1volume;.
Toft R.  2020.  Recording classical music . :xi,168pages:.
Thomas A.  2020.  Resounding body : building Christlike church communities through music /. :v,106pages;.
Thue M, Noringriis ASteen, Noringriis CSteen.  2020.  Sangfællesskaber for alle : en håndbog om at skabe fællesskab gennem sang. :79sider:.
McCarthy DWilliam, Turek R.  2020.  Singing and dictation for today's musician . :1volume:.
Tibor F.  2020.  Szalonvilág : a polgári érintkezés modernizálása a 19. században . :208.
Templeman T, Renoff G.  2020.  Ted Templeman : a platinum producer's life in music /.
Decker B, Taylor S.  2020.  Template mixing and mastering : the ultimate guide to achieving a professional sound /. :1volume:.
