Recent Publications in Music

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Cyrino MPereira.  2019.  An inexplicable hunger : flutist)body(flute (dis)encounters.
Couture A.  2019.  La création musicale à Montréal de 1966 à 2006 vue par ses institutions . :1onlineresource.
Casares-Rodicio E.  2019.  La ópera en España. Procesos de recepción y modelos de creación. II. Desde la Regencia de María Cristina hasta la Restauración alfonsina (1833-1874). Música Hispana. Textos. Estudios; nº 21. :526.
Campos R., Poidevin A., Antille A., Moser V., Duchesneau M, Cano R.López, Ritterman J., Menger P-M, Pasler J., Dejans P. et al..  2019.  L'évaluation de la recherche artistique = Evaluating artistic research /. :1vol.(179-163p.);.
Campos R., Poidevin A., Antille A., Moser V., Duchesneau M, Cano R.López, Ritterman J., Menger P-M, Pasler J., Dejans P. et al..  2019.  L'évaluation de la recherche artistique = Evaluating artistic research /. :1vol.(179-163p.);.
Cormac J.  2019.  Liszt and the symphonic poem . :1volume:.
Coe RN, .  2019.  Lives of Haydn, Mozart and Metastasio. :1volume;.
Gasch S, Tröster S, Lodes B.  2019.  Ludwig Senfl (c.1490-1543) : a catalogue raisonné of the works and sources /. :2volumes:.
Chaves R, Iazzetta F.  2019.  Making it heard : a history of Brazilian sound art /. :1volume;.
Christoforidis M.  2019.  Manuel de Falla and visions of Spanish music . :1volume.
Caldwell J.  2019.  Medieval music . 8:1volume;.
Christensen A, Loedel D, Gaifem M.  2019.  Mercedes Sosa - more than a song : a tribute to "La Negra", the voice of Latin America (1935-2009). :xi,143sider:.
Charlton D, Ledbury M.  2019.  Michel-Jean Sedaine (1719-1797) : theatre, opera and art /. :1volume..
Castill S, Martínez A.  2019.  Miguel Fleta. El hombre y el mito. :286.
Martinů B, Šafránek M, Zouhar V, Coufalová G.  2019.  Milý Miloši : dopisy Bohuslava Martinů Miloši Šafránkovi /. :813pages:.
Cornett V.  2019.  The mindful musician : mental skills for peak performance /. :xvi,254pages;.
Herbert R, Clarke D, Clarke E.  2019.  Music and consciousness 2 : worlds, practices, modalities /. :xiv,335pages:.
Herbert R, Clarke D, Clarke E.  2019.  Music and consciousness 2 : worlds, practices, modalities /. :xiv,335pages:.
Collins S.  2019.  Music and Victorian liberalism : composing the liberal subject /. :1onlineresource:.
Collins S.  2019.  Music and Victorian liberalism : composing the liberal subject /. :xiii,254pages:.
Adkins M, Cummings S.  2019.  Music beyond airports : appraising ambient music /. :ix,234pages:.
Carr CSlay.  2019.  Music business careers : career duality in the creative industries /. :1volume;.
Cooke PA.  2019.  The music of James MacMillan . :1onlineresource..
Brandt PAage, Brandt L, Cronquist U, Hanenberg P, Bennett A.  2019.  The music of meaning : essays in cognitive semoitics /. :1volume;.
Dunn H, Mottram H, Coombes E, Maclean E, Nugent J.  2019.  Music therapy and autism across the lifespan : a spectrum of approaches /. :1volume;.
