Recent Publications in Music

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Chapman DF.  2022.  A History of the Rutgers University Glee Club . :1onlineresource(328p.).
Marx W, Ligeti G, Tusa J, Cadagin J.  2022.  "I don't belong anywhere" : György Ligeti at 100 /. volume 4:xii,287pages:.
Carlson GL.  2022.  Improvising the score : rethinking modern film music through jazz /. :1onlineresource.
Rodrigo J, Calcraft R.P, Matthews E.  2022.  Joaquín Rodrigo : writings on music /. :xii,183pages:.
Costal-Fornells A, Rabaseda-Matas J.  2022.  La innovació musical republicana. Barcelona, 1931-1934.. :136p..
Evans R, Clarke V.  2022.  Listening to the music the machines make : inventing electronic pop 1978-1983 /. :xiii,514pages:.
Evans R, Clarke V.  2022.  Listening to the music the machines make : inventing electronic pop 1978-1983 /. :xiii,514pages:.
Csengery K.  2022.  A magyar fuvolázás elmúlt kétszáz éve és európai beágyazódása. Esszé- és tanulmánygyűjtemény. :495.
Hartt JC, Mahoney-Steel T, Albritton B, Earp LMarshburn.  2022.  Manuscripts, music, Machaut : essays in honor of Lawrence Earp /. :627pages:.
Hartt JC, Mahoney-Steel T, Albritton B, Earp LMarshburn.  2022.  Manuscripts, music, Machaut : essays in honor of Lawrence Earp /. :627pages:.
Ceramella N.  2022.  The marriage between literature and music . :lxxxiii,346pages:.
Richards R, Szuster J, Whiteoak J.  2022.  Memories of musical lives : music and dance in personal music collections from Australia and New Zealand. Australasian Research.
Graves M, Christman M, DiNucci C, Elms A.  2022.  Milford Graves : a mind-body deal /. :255pages:.
Graves M, Christman M, DiNucci C, Elms A.  2022.  Milford Graves : a mind-body deal /. :255pages:.
Cantor P.  2022.  Most dope : the extraordinary life of Mac Miller /. :xi,292pages;.
Bowring L, Cypess R, Malamut L.  2022.  Music and Jewish culture in early modern Italy : new perspectives /. :1onlineresource(xvii,297pages):.
Buckley A, Colton L.  2022.  Music and liturgy in medieval Britain and Ireland . :xvi,362pages:.
Chung FMY.  2022.  Music and play in early childhood education : teaching music in Hong Kong, China and the world /. :1onlineresource(xxii,249pages):.
Chung FMY.  2022.  Music and play in early childhood education : teaching music in Hong Kong, China and the world /. :1onlineresource(xxii,249pages):.
Cohen BMaureen.  2022.  Musical migration and imperial New York : early Cold War scenes /. :x,379pages:.
Cochran TB.  2022.  Musical sincerity and transcendence in film : reflexive fictions /. :1onlineresource.
Cohen ML, Duncan SP.  2022.  Music-making in U.S. prisons : listening to incarcerated voices /. :223pages;.
Boulez P, Stockhausen K, Ligeti G, Schaeffer P, Xenakis I, Cage J, Feldman M, Reich S, Fulka J, Bláha J et al..  2022.  Myšlenky moderních skladatelů . :189stran:.
Clague M.  2022.  O say can you hear? : a cultural biography of "The Star-spangled banner" / :xvi,325pages:.
Wilson CR, Cooke M.  2022.  The Oxford handbook of Shakespeare and music . :xxx,1251pages:.
