Recent Publications in Music

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Cobbold M..  2012.  Frozen music . :391p.;.
Harrison S, Collins D.  2012.  Guitar for beginners : everything you need to know to start playing the guitar /. :179pages:.
Carter M..  2012.  In harmony : a biography of Jack Blanchard and Misty Morgan /. :vii,127pages;.
Creekmur CK, Mokdad LY.  2012.  The international film musical . :xiii,274p.;.
Capone P..  2012.  Learn to play ukulele . :192pages:.
Crass (Musical group),.  2012.  Love songs . cat no. cco8:284pages;.
Cummins K..  2012.  Manchester : looking for the light through the pouring rain /. :xv,383p.:.
Cocker J..  2012.  Mother, brother, lover : selected lyrics /. :ix,170p.;.
Copley A.RH.  2012.  Music and the spiritual : composers and politics in the 20th century /. :352pages:.
Nicholls S, Scott P., Hickman S., Hanke M., Daley M., Roberts S., Chadwick S..  2012.  Music express : learning and development opportunities, activities, songs, stories, pictures, recordings.. :88p.:.
Cave N.  2012.  The Nick Cave chord songbook collection. . :287pages:.
Connaughton M.  2012.  Rory Gallagher: his life and times. :181pages.
Carr C, Cartwright A, Chase D, Hammond N, Karath K, Menzies H, Turner D, Bronson F.  2012.  The sound of music family scrapbook . :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
Carr C, Cartwright A, Chase D, Hammond N, Karath K, Menzies H, Turner D, Bronson F.  2012.  The sound of music family scrapbook . :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
Carr C, Cartwright A, Chase D, Hammond N, Karath K, Menzies H, Turner D, Bronson F.  2012.  The sound of music family scrapbook . :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
Coleman N..  2012.  The train in the night : a story of music and loss /. :275p.;.
