Recent Publications in Music

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Cook J.  2020.  In her room : how music helped me connect with my autistic daughter /. :1volume;.
Craske O.  2020.  Indian sun : the life and music of Ravi Shankar /. :1onlineresource..
Feldman E, Contzius A.  2020.  Instrumental music education : teaching with the musical and practical in harmony /. :1volume:.
Borio G, Giuriati G, Cecchi A, Lutzu M.  2020.  Investigating musical performance : theoretical models and intersections /. :1volume:.
Walter M, Bey H.  2020.  Johann Sebastian Bach - Weihnachtsoratorium . :182Seiten.
Cooper PMichael.  2020.  Johnny's cash and Charley's pride : lasting legends and untold adventures in country music /. :1volume:.
Charnock R.  2020.  Joni Mitchell : new critical readings /. :1volume:.
Gildart K, Catterall S.  2020.  Keeping the faith : a history of Northern Soul /. :1volume;.
Cárdenas J.  2020.  La canción de autor en la transición andaluza. Su compromiso social y construcción de la identidad de Andalucía. :226p..
Picard T., Candoni J-F., Bécue A., Coste C, Duchesneau M, Dufour V, Manning CFrigau, Giroud V, Guerpin M, Gumplowicz P et al..  2020.  La critique musicale au XXe siècle . :1vol.(1564p.):.
Picard T., Candoni J-F., Bécue A., Coste C, Duchesneau M, Dufour V, Manning CFrigau, Giroud V, Guerpin M, Gumplowicz P et al..  2020.  La critique musicale au XXe siècle . :1vol.(1564p.):.
Carrasco-Benítez M.  2020.  La Escuela Bolera Sevillana: La familia Pericet. :134p..
Vela-del-Campo JÁngel, Cacciari M.  2020.  La palabra que falta: El dios indecible de Moisés y Aarón de Schönberg..
Crochetière J.  2020.  Le Woodstock Pop Festival de Manseau, 1970 . :188pages:.
Childers J.  2020.  Listening excerpts to develop band musicianship . :165pages;.
Croft M.  2020.  The little book of Dolly Parton : wisdom & wit from the queen of country /. :1volume;.
Cleeve S.  2020.  Live from the other side of nowhere : contemplating musical performance in an age of virtual reality /. :1volume;.
Cheng W.  2020.  Loving music till it hurts . :x,397pages:.
Amacher M, Cimini A, Dietz B.  2020.  Maryanne Amacher : selected writings and interviews /. :398pages:.
Ingham C, Csaba V.  2020.  Metallica : történelem a dalok mögött . :208.
Cordier S.  2020.  Min lille Vivaldi . :[12]sider:.
Clark JOsborn, Connon DF.  2020.  The mirror of human life : reflections on Francçois Couperin's Pièces de clavecin /. :230pages:.
Clark JOsborn, Connon DF.  2020.  The mirror of human life : reflections on Francçois Couperin's Pièces de clavecin /. :230pages:.
Collins A.  2020.  The music advantage : how learning music helps your child's brain and wellbeing /. :xx,260pages,4unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Carl R.  2020.  Music composition in the 21st century : a practical guide for the new common practice /. :xiii,143pages;.
