Recent Publications in Music
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Highland laddie : the musical heritage of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders /. :viii,48pages,44unnumberedpagesofplates,45unnumberedpagesoftables:.
2013. The history of live music in Britain . :3volumes;.
2013. Honest : my story so far /. :378pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. The international film musical . :xiii,274pages;.
2013. Late life jazz : the life and career of Rosemary Clooney /. :ix,323pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. The music of Herbert Howells . :xxi,360pages:.
2013. Northern Soul : an illustrated history /. :224pages:.
2013. The psychology of music in multimedia . :xix,432pages:.
2013. .
2013. Still suitable for miners : Billy Bragg /. :xix,364pages;.
2013. Stradivarius . :224pages:.
2013. The Team's mission drift . :87pages;.
2013. .
2013. .
Careers in music librarianship III : reality and reinvention . no. 33:xi,217pages:.
2014. Careers in music librarianship III : reality and reinvention . no. 33:xi,217pages:.
2014. Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifainc Ceredigion yn cyflwyno : Cystadleuaeth Hanner awr adloniant 2014 /. :20unnumberedpages:.
2014. Deborah Harry : the biography /. :xv,288pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2014. Irish musical analysis: IMS 11. Irish musical studies. 11:320pages.
2014. John Wallis : writings on music /. :239pages:.
2014. Litpop : writing and popular music /. :xiv,243pages;.
2014. The Pete Seeger reader . :xv,268pages;:.
2014. The Pete Seeger reader . :xv,268pages;:.
2014. Post-War French popular music : cultural identity and the Brel-Brassens-Ferré myth /. :179pages;24cm..
2014. Pro tools 11 : music production, recording, editing, and mixing /. :xi,500pages:illustrations;.