Recent Publications in Music

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Clegg J.  2021.  Scatterling of Africa: My early years. :306pages.
Campbell M, Gilbert J, Myers A.  2021.  The science of brass instruments . :1onlineresource(xvi,443pages):.
Camp GLouis.  2021.  Scoring the Hollywood actor in the 1950s . :1onlineresource:.
Carlin PAmes.  2021.  Sonic boom : the impossible rise of Warner Bros. Records, from Hendrix to Fleetwood Mac to Madonna to Prince /. :xii,273pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Chagas PC, Wu JCecilia.  2021.  Sounds from within : phenomenology and practice /. volume 18:1onlineresource..
Carter T, Fantappiè F.  2021.  Staging Euridice : theatre, sets, and music in late renaissance Florence /. :xxix,252pages:.
Ciantar P..  2021.  Studies in Maltese Popular Music . :1onlineresource.
Case G.  2021.  Takin' care of business : a history of working people's rock 'n' roll /. :1onlineresource(203pages)..
Carrillo RRojo.  2021.  Text, liturgy, and music in the Hispanic rite : the vespertinus genre /. :1onlineresource(xvii,399pages):.
Begbie J, Chua DKL, Rathey M.  2021.  Theology, music, and modernity : struggles for freedom /. :1onlineresource(400pages):.
Carlberg A.  2021.  Toner och terror : musik och politik i Hitlers Europa.. :591sidor.
Diamond B, Castelo-Branco SEl-Shawan.  2021.  Transforming ethnomusicology. . :1onlineresource(272pages):.
Diamond B, Castelo-Branco SEl-Shawan.  2021.  Transforming ethnomusicology : methodologies, institutional structures & policies /. :1onlineresource(viii,272pages):.
Sly GCameron, Callahan M.  2021.  Twentieth- and twenty-first-century song cycles : analytical pathways toward performance /. :1onlineresource(xii,233pages):.
Carenco C..  2021.  Une musicologie entre textes et arts : hommages à Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus et Alban Ramaut /. :286pages;.
Cornelius J..  2021.  Victor Bendix, 1851-1926 . 8:137pages:.
Dobewall M, Carlsson W, Duch MFrancis.  2021.  Voicelanding - Exploring the scenographic potential of acoustic sound in site-sensitive performance [Elektronisk resurs].
Corona LFGarcí, Wiens K.  2021.  Voices of the field : pathways in public ethnomusicology /. :1onlineresource(ix,276pages):.
Chinmoy S, Mária SLukáts.  2021.  A zene forrása : zene és mantra az önfelismeréshez . :133.
