Recent Publications in Music

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Csaba B.  2020.  Beatinterjúk II . :321.
Collins M.  2020.  The Beatles and sixties Britain . :1volume:.
Cawley J.  2020.  Becoming an Irish traditional musician : learning and embodying musical culture /. :1volume:.
Chiantore L.  2020.  Beethoven al piano. Improvisación, composición e investigación sonora en sus ejercicios técnicos.. :391p..
Caeyers J, Ecke A.  2020.  Beethoven : der einsame Revolutionär : eine Biographie /. :833Seiten:.
Caeyers J, Ecke A.  2020.  Beethoven : der einsame Revolutionär : eine Biographie /. :833Seiten:.
Chapin KMoore, Jones DWyn.  2020.  Beethoven studies 4 . :1volume:.
Comini A..  2020.  Beethoven Zur Geburt eines Mythos.. :1onlineresource(578p.).
Balliro L, Canfield J.  2020.  Being a singer : the art, craft, and science /. :xvii,228pages:.
Moore AF, Carr P.  2020.  The Bloomsbury handbook of rock music research . :1volume;.
Caston E.  2020.  British music videos 1966-2016 : genre, authenticity and art /. :1volume:.
Campbell E, O'Hagan P.  2020.  The Cambridge Stravinsky encyclopedia . :1volume.
Chaplin F.  2020.  Charlotte Gainsbourg : transnational and transmedia stardom /. :1volume:.
Studwell WE, Conrad CP, Schueneman BR.  2020.  Circus songs : an annotated anthology /. :1onlineresource.
Jackson S.  2020.  Classic FM's composers : the Hall of Fame 10 greatest composers of all time /. :1volume;.
Merritt JWayne, Castro D.  2020.  Comprehensive aural skills : a flexible approach to rhythm, melody, and harmony /. :1volume:.
Merritt JWayne, Castro D.  2020.  Comprehensive aural skills : a flexible approach to rhythm, melody, and harmony /. :1onlineresource:.
Cook J.  2020.  The cyclic mass : Anglo-continental exchange in the fifteenth century /. :1volume:.
Zimmermann W, Feldman M, Wolff C, Cage J, Corner P, Glass P, Reich S, Ashley R, Lucier A, La Barbara J et al..  2020.  Desert plants : conversations with 23 American musicians /. :xii,373pages:.
Zimmermann W, Feldman M, Wolff C, Cage J, Corner P, Glass P, Reich S, Ashley R, Lucier A, La Barbara J et al..  2020.  Desert plants : conversations with 23 American musicians /. :xii,373pages:.
Dalagna G, Carvalho S, Welch G.  2020.  Desired artistic outcomes in music performance . :1volume:.
Cleland KD, Dobrea-Grindahl M.  2020.  Developing musicianship through aural skills : a holistic approach to sight singing and ear training /. :1volume:.
Daniele S, David C, David H, Giovanni V, Julia C-MF, Jurij S, Karl K, Margaret B, Paweł G, Reinhard S et al..  2020.  Disiecta Membra Musicae : Studies in Musical Fragmentology /. volume 21:1onlineresource(VI,398p.)..
Grainger P, Cross B, Balough T, Dreyfus K.  2020.  Distant Dreams : the correspondence of Percy Grainger and Burnett Cross, 1946-60 : with interviews, lectures and other writings on Free Music by Burnett Cross /. :xvii,182pages:.
Cameron S.  2020.  An economic approach to the plagiarism of music . :ix,141pages:.
