Recent Publications in Music

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Robinson RC.  2020.  Playing the bones along the inky way : Len Bourne, newspaperman /. :iv,90pages:.
Schmidt P.  2020.  Policy as practice : a guide for music educators /. :xvii,219pages:.
Fauser A.  2020.  The politics of musical identity : selected essays /. :1volume.
Marvin RMontemorra.  2020.  The politics of Verdi's Cantica . :1volume;.
Máté B.  2020.  A politika reprezentációja a kortárs könnyűzenében . :172.
Máté B.  2020.  A politika reprezentációja a kortárs könnyűzenében . :172.
Bradley CA.  2020.  Polyphony in medieval Paris : the art of composing with plainchant /. :1volume:.
Harding P, Collins M.  2020.  Pop music production : manufactured pop and boybands of the 1990s /. :xvii,192pages;.
Hamann M.  2020.  Popmusik & modalharmonik . :1onlineresource..
Duffett M, Peter B..  2020.  Popular music and automobiles. :1onlineresource(x,204pages).
Mazierska E, Győri Z.  2020.  Popular music and the moving image in Eastern Europe . :1volume:.
Borthwick S, Moy R.  2020.  Popular music genres : an introduction /. :1onlineresource..
Mitsui T.  2020.  Popular music in Japan : transformation inspired by the West /. :1volume:.
Mitsui T.  2020.  Popular music in Japan : transformation inspired by the West /. :1onlineresource:.
Mazierska E, Gillon L, Rigg T.  2020.  Popular music in the post-digital age : politics, economy, culture and technology /. :1volume;.
Homan S, Cloonan M, Cattermole J.  2020.  Popular music industries and the state : policy notes /. :1volume;.
Tófalvy T, Barna E.  2020.  Popular music, technology, and the changing media ecosystem : from cassettes to stream /. :1onlineresource:.
Hansen KArne, Askerøi E, Jarman F, Hawkins S.  2020.  Popular musicology and identity : essays in honour of Stan Hawkins /. :1volume:.
Gardner R.  2020.  The portable community : place and displacement in bluegrass festival life /. :1volume:.
Stolz BAnn.  2020.  A portrait of contemporary U.S. teachers of piano : a musical journey /. :xii,281pages;.
Knauer W.  2020.  Positionen! Jazz und Politik. 16:236Seiten.
Frühauf T.  2020.  Postmodernity's musical pasts . :1volume:.
Frühauf T.  2020.  Postmodernity's musical pasts . :1onlineresource:.
Dammers R, LoPresti M.  2020.  Practical music education technology . :1onlineresource(xviii,107pages):.
Denzler B, Guionnet J-L.  2020.  The practice of musical improvisation : dialogues with contemporary musical improvisers /. :1onlineresource.
