Recent Publications in Music
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Music criticism in France, 1918-1939 : authority, advocacy, legacy /. :1onlineresource(xi,346pages):.
2018. Music doesn't just happen : a Recorded Music NZ position paper on the review of the Copyright Act.. :26.
2018. Music in the west country : social and cultural history across an English region /. :1onlineresource..
2018. Music, Musicology and the Gospel in Nigeria, a Festschrift in Honour of Samuel Olufemi Adedeji. :xv,528.
2018. The music of Joseph Joachim . :1onlineresource(xxv,506pages):.
2018. The music of our burnished axes : songs and stories of the woods workers of Newfoundland and Labrador /. no. 80:xxi,465pages:.
2018. Music preferred : essays in musicology, cultural history and analysis in honour of Harry White . :773pages:illustrations,portraits,music.
2018. .
2018. Música en Sevilla en el siglo XX. Libargo Investiga. 4:406p..
2018. .
2018. Música y electricidad. Conexiones y cortocircuitos en la era virtual del acelerador de partículas. :218p..
2018. A musical wanderer : the later years of Granville Bantock /. :vii,220pages:.
2018. .
2018. Musik am Dom zu Salzburg. Repertoire und liturgisch gebundene Praxis zwischen hochbarocker Repräsentation und Mozart-Kult. . 18:432pages.
2018. .
2018. .
2018. .
2018. Natsume Sōseki to kurashikku ongaku . :319pages:.
2018. Nemesvámos zenetörténete. :56.
2018. 'A New Song in my Mouth' : Transfoming our World Through the Music of the Saints : An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at Oduduwa Hall, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Inaugural lecture series. :124.
2018. .
2018. Nihon min'yō jiten = 日本民謡事典 . :3volumes;.
2018. .
2018. Nikola Šubić Zrinjski u Zajčevoj hrvatskoj nacinalnopovijesnoj opernoj trilogiji. Utjecaj ideja i svjetonazora 19. stoljeća na oblikovanje sadržaja i likova. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
2018. Nikola Šubić Zrinski and Hungarian Symphonists at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).