Recent Publications in Music
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Life and death of a pirate . :474pages:.
2017. The life and times of a ska man : an offbeat trip /. :321pages:.
2017. The light of the world : an oratorio : first performed at the Birmingham Music Festival, August 27, 1873 /. :54pages:.
2017. Lions of the north : sounds of the new Nordic radical nationalism . :xv,210pages:.
2017. Live from Aggieland : legendary performances in the Brazos Valley /. number 125:xxiv,158pages:.
2017. Lorde. :83unnumberedpages.
2017. .
2017. Los instrumentos musicales tradicionales de La Palma.. Decires: Cuadernos Palmeses de Folklore. 9:144p..
2017. Lou Harrison: American musical maverick. :xvi,583pages:illustrations;26cm.
2017. Lutosławski's worlds . :1onlineresource(320pages)..
2017. Lyrical eroticism in Judeo-Spanish songs . :304pages;.
2017. .
2017. A magyar Himnusz képes albuma . :127+1CD.
2017. Make money in music without being a star. :181pages;.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Mapa musical de la Biblia: revisión literal y estadística de los pasajes musicales de la obra.. :102p..
2017. Maria Callas: el adiós a la diva. Señales. 31:350p..
2017. María Zambrano-Vicente Espinel, razón poético-musical.. Málaga Pensamiento. :191p..
2017. .
2017. The mark of criminality : rhetoric, race, and gangsta rap in the war-on-crime era /. :1onlineresource.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Medieval cantors and their craft : music, liturgy and the shaping of history, 800-1500 /. volume 3:xvii,370pages:.