Recent Publications in Music
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Rick Wakeman, Journey to the centre of the Earth . :130pages,1programme,1CD:.
2012. The rise and rise of the Black Eyed Peas : let's get it started /. :x,257p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
2012. .
2012. Rock and popular music in Ireland: before and after U2. :xiii,338pages.
2012. Rock : the culture in pictures /. :298pages:.
2012. Rod : the autobiography /. :378pages,5unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2012. The Rolling Stones . :1volume(unpaged):.
2012. The Rolling Stones : fifty years /. :xii,497pages:.
2012. Rory Gallagher: his life and times. :181pages.
2012. .
2012. Sacred and liturgical Renaissance music . :xxvi,524p.:.
2012. Satie's road. :1volume(unpaged):.
2012. The sea . :48pages:.
2012. .
2012. Shbahoth : songs of praise in the Babylonian Jewish tradition from Baghdad to Bombay and London /. :xl,277p.:.
2012. Someone like-- Adele . :206p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
2012. .
2012. The sound of music family scrapbook . :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
2012. Steve Jenkins : the future is in the history /. :460pages:.
2012. The story of The Streets . :301p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
2012. Teach yourself guitar . :18pages:.
2012. The teacher's guide to world music . :171pages:.
2012. Teaching secondary music . :xvii,155p.:.
2012. .