Recent Publications in Music

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Ericson-Roos C.  2016.  Ingen oförarglig sångerska : Dorothy Irving. Sångerska, pedagog, folkbildare.
Schlagel SP.  2016.  An introduction to Renaissance music . :1onlineresource(18pages):.
Lee JRhodes.  2016.  Introduction to the Baroque era . :1onlineresource(31pages):.
Dervan M.  2016.  The invisible art: a century of music in Ireland 1916-2016 . :xxiii,296pages.
Inomata T.  2016.  Irui ni naru : uta, mai, asobi no Kojiki /. :297pages;.
Tuksar S.  2016.  Ivan Zajc : (1832-1914) : glazbene migracije i kulturni transferi u Srednjoj Europi i šire u "dugom" 19. stoljeću = musical migrations and cultural transfers in the "long" 19th century in Central Europe and beyond. :575.
Tuksar S.  2016.  Ivan Zajc (1832-1914): Glazbene migracije i kulturni transferi u srednjoj Europi i šire u ‘dugom’ 19. stoljeću. Ivan Zajc (1832-1914) : Musical Migrations and Cultural Transfers in the ‘Long’ 19th Century in Central Europe and Beyond, Zagreb 16-18 October 2014. :575.
Kajanová Y, Pickhan G, Ritter R.  2016.  Jazz from socialist realism to postmodernism . vol. 5:308pages:.
Turner RBrent.  2016.  Jazz religion, the second line, and black New Orleans : after Hurricane Katrina /. :1onlineresource(1PDF(xxxvi,199pages):):.
Žanić I.  2016.  Jezična republika : hrvatski jezik, Zagreb, Split i popularna glazba. :445.
Song P, Hou J.  2016.  Jiao yu shen jing ke xue shi ye zhong de yin yue jiao yu chuang xin = 教育神经科学视野中的音乐教育创新. Jiao yu shen jing ke xue yu guo min su zhi ti sheng xi lie cong shu = 教育神经科学与国民素质提升系列丛书 . :250.
Yamada K..  2016.  Jiden wakaki hi no kyōshikyoku . Ya-36-2:357pages;.
Dobozy B.  2016.  Jiři Antonín Benda a jeho sonáty pro cembalo : tradice, historické pozadí, duch doby. :147p..
R. Unnerbäck A, Eklund KJohan, Arvidsson M, Blomberg G, Gripentrog H, Lewenhaupt C-G, Monié W, Mäkinen K, Norgren L, Wester B et al..  2016.  Johan Niclas Cahman och orgeln i Leufsta bruk.
Gaitanos K.  2016.  Johannes Brahms o teleftaios romantikos. Ta kontserta, oi symphōnies, ta chorōdiaka erga = Johannes Brahms ο τελευταίος ρομαντικός. Τα κοντσέρτα, οι συμφωνίες, τα χορωδιακά έργα. :187p..
Coady C.  2016.  John Lewis and the challenge of "real" black music. :x,241pages:.
Gannon C.  2016.  John S. Beckett : the man and the music . :xx,547pages.
Voigt T.  2016.  Jonas Kaufmann : a tenor . :271p..
Canadell R.  2016.  Josep Anselm Clavé : una vida al servei de la cultura i la llibertat. :197p.;23cm.
Wetterqvist A.  2016.  J:son : ett lätt turbulent porträtt.
Heylin C.  2016.  Judas! : from Forest Hills to the Free Trade Hall : a historical overview of the big boo /. :303pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Cheng W.  2016.  Just vibrations : the purpose of sounding good /. :xix,160pages:.
Haikawa M.  2016.  Kabuki no ongaku, oto . :390,16pages:.
Saitō H, Inoue T.  2016.  Kagura to saimon no chūsei : hen'yōsuru shinkō no katachi /. :vii,378pages:.
Borsi F.  2016.  A kis Csóka körű van kerítve : észak-bánáti népdalok. :192p.+2CD.
