Recent Publications in Music
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Temporality and Narrativity in Music Drama. Musicological Studies. Monographs. :p.215.
2017. Tensai Sakkyokuka, Ōsawa Hisato : kakemeguru Bosuton, Pari, Nihon /. :565,xviiipages:.
2017. Thanks for the clap : the extraordinary life and times of New Zealand's wildman of country music Ritchie Pickett. :394pages:colorillustrations.
2017. This is the noise that keeps me awake . :206pages:.
2017. Többszólamú zene a magyar városokban, templomokban és főúri udvarokban. Műhelytanulmányok a 18. század zenetörténetéhez. 1:421p.:ill.+1mell.(32p.)..
2017. .
2017. Tōhoku no minzoku geinō to sairei gyōji . :xv,411pages:.
2017. The transformation of black music : the rhythms, the songs, and the ships that make the African diaspora /. :xxxv,240pages:.
2017. .
2017. U potrazi za Ivom Malecom. Vrste prostora. :158.
2017. .
2017. Understanding the music business : real world insights /. :1onlineresource.
2017. Utsukushiki gagaku shōzoku no sekai . :95pages:.
2017. The vagabond lover : a father-son memoir /. :285pages:.
2017. Varia Ragusina : studije i ogledi o starim knjigama i muzikalijama dubrovačkim. Biblioteka prošlost i sadašnjost. knj.50:149.
2017. .
2017. Varieties of musical irony : from Mozart to Mahler /. :xvii,266pages:.
2017. .
2017. Vinyl freak : love letters to a dying medium /. :1onlineresource(x,250pages):.
2017. Vinyl : svart guld /. :192sidor:.
2017. Wedding music : getting it right /. :30pages:.
2017. .
2017. Wiener Staatsoper : 348 complete relays /. :198pages;.
2017. .
2017. The Wolfe Tones phenomenon. :190pages.