Recent Publications in Music

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Kurihara U..  2016.  Monogataranai animēshon : nōman makuraren no fushigi na sekai /. :157pages;.
Banks J.  2019.  Monopoly television : MTV's quest to control the music /. :1volume;.
Wistreich R..  2011.  Monteverdi . :xxxiv,535p.:.
Keys A, Burford M.  2020.  More myself : a journey /. :viii,256pages;.
Stepniak M.  2023.  A more promising musical future : leading transformational change in music higher education /. :1onlineresource(xi,108pages):.
Marcus G.  2022.  More real life rock : the wilderness years, 2014-2021 /. :xi,331pages;.
English L..  2021.  More Than Music Cultural Stirrings from Pink Floyd's 'the Dark Side of the Moon'.. :1onlineresource(164p.).
Thompson MB.  2022.  More than music lessons : a studio teacher's guide to parents, practicing, projects, and character /. :xv,211pages;.
Lawrence I.  2020.  More ukulele magic. . :1volume;.
Johnson J.  2019.  Mormons, musical theater, and belonging in America . :1onlineresource(x,199pages).
Devereux E., Dillane A., Power MJ.  2011.  Morrissey : fandom, representations and identities /. :342p.:.
Felton D..  2012.  Morrissey international airport : travels with a pop star and his people /. :108p.:.
Miklós M.  2022.  Morzsák muzsikáról mindenkinek . :98.
Åhlén C-G.  2016.  Moses Pergament.
Cantor P.  2022.  Most dope : the extraordinary life of Mac Miller /. :xi,292pages;.
Pfohl J.  2022.  Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527-1576) Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung. 13:620Seiten.
Cocker J..  2012.  Mother, brother, lover : selected lyrics /. :ix,170p.;.
Julich-Warpakowski N.  2022.  Motion metaphors in music criticism : an empirical investigation of their conceptual motivation and their metaphoricity /. volume 10:1onlineresource(xii,247pages):.
Slobin M.  2019.  Motor City music : a Detroiter looks back /. :xi,233pages:.
Stevenson M..  2011.  The Motörhead collector's guide . :396p.:.
Lempesē L, Zoumpoulakēs P.  2015.  Mousikē empneusmenē apo tēn archaia Hellada kai tē logotechnia : Hellēnes kai xenoi synthetes /. :262pages:.
poulakis N.  2015.  Mousikologia kai kinēmatographos. Kritikes prosengiseis stē mousikē tōn sygchronōn ellēnikōn tainiōn. :149p..
Selby R, Porter B, Please B.  2012.  The mouth of the night : a story with music and song /. :38pages:.
Hallam J, Shaw L.  2020.  Movies, music and memory : tools for wellbeing in later life /. :1onlineresource..
Gabriella G, McLean B.  2019.  Mozaikok Erdély ismeretlen gregorián hagyományaiból : egy Anjou-kori antifonále töredékei Erdélyben . Resonemus pariter : műhelytanulmányok a középkori zenetörténethez. :217.
