Recent Publications in Music

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Doyle A.  2020.  All together now . :1onlineresource(1volume).
Dümling A.  2020.  Anpassungsdruck und Selbstbehauptung Der Schott-Verlag im 'Dritten Reich'. 1:88Seiten.
Stratton J, Dale J, Mitchell T.  2020.  An anthology of Australian albums : critical engagements /. :1onlineresource(x,230pages).
Dovercourt J.  2020.  Any night of the week : a D.I.Y. history of Toronto music, 1957-2001 /. :1onlineresource(317pages).
Díez-Puertas E.  2020.  Arte, espectáculos y propaganda bajo el signo libertario (España, 1936-1939). :270p..
Donau-Universität Krems., Wiener Institut für Strauss-Forschung,, Wienbibliothek im Rathaus,.  2020.  Associationen Josef Strauss (1827-1870) . :275pages:.
Díaz-González J, Alonso-Ponga JLuis.  2020.  Autos de Reyes en León y Castilla. :268p..
Dahl E.  2020.  B. B. King's Lucille and the loves before her : a musical journey through B.B. king's guitars and music gear from his youth through today /. :108pages:.
Munch J, Dragheim-Lauritsen T, Lesner FVammen, Bugge N.  2020.  Banddoktor . :[40sider]:.
Tibor L, Dávid S, Viktória K, Dávid K.  2020.  Beat, pop, rock : falak és hangfalak = Beat, pop, rock : walls and speakers : 100 kép, photo, Fortepan . :97.
Tibor L, Dávid S, Viktória K, Dávid K.  2020.  Beat, pop, rock : falak és hangfalak = Beat, pop, rock : walls and speakers : 100 kép, photo, Fortepan . :97.
Dodd J.  2020.  Being true to works of music . :viii,194pages;.
Skinner T, Drudy A.  2020.  Blues & rock : 10 easy-to-follow guitar lessons /. :1volume:.
