Recent Publications in Music

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Popoff M.  2020.  Anthem : Rush in the '70s /. :354pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Pega BVarassi.  2020.  The art of tango . :1volume:.
Peddie I.  2020.  The Bloomsbury handbook of popular music and social class. :1onlineresource(xviii,598pages).
Marley Z, Marley B.  2020.  Bob Marley - Bilder einer Legende : mit vielen unveröffentlichten Bildern aus dem Familienarchiv. /. :240Seiten.
Paphides P.  2020.  Broken Greek . :1onlineresource..
Pitts S.  2020.  A century of change in music education : historical perspectives on contemporary practice in British secondary school music /. :1volume..
Mitchell A, Poulton AJ.  2020.  A chronicle of first broadcast performances of musical works in the United Kingdom, 1923-1996 : performances of musical works in the United Kingdom, 1923-1996 /. :1volume..
Ploquin F.  2020.  Clavier bien tempéré et justesse numérique : un aperçu de l'évolution de l'accord des instruments à clavier des origines à nos jours /. :1vol.(88p.):.
Pennick F.  2020.  D'Angelo's Voodoo . :1onlineresource..
Taylor D, Pegolotti JA.  2020.  Deems Taylor : selected writings /. :1onlineresource..
Perski K.  2020.  Den blindes käpp : på spaning efter levandegörandets metodik ; På spaning efter Gränsland : en oper....
Zimmermann W, Feldman M, Wolff C, Cage J, Corner P, Glass P, Reich S, Ashley R, Lucier A, La Barbara J et al..  2020.  Desert plants : conversations with 23 American musicians /. :xii,373pages:.
Prehn A.  2020.  Det syngende menneske : Nye veje til forbundethed. :1onlineresource.
Petersen B..  2020.  Die Musik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. . :142pages.
Daniele S, David C, David H, Giovanni V, Julia C-MF, Jurij S, Karl K, Margaret B, Paweł G, Reinhard S et al..  2020.  Disiecta Membra Musicae : Studies in Musical Fragmentology /. volume 21:1onlineresource(VI,398p.)..
Parton D.  2020.  Dolly Parton : songteller : my life in lyrics /. :1onlineresource:.
Labrador G, Pessarrodona-Pérez A.  2020.  Estudios en torno a Luis Misón. :298p..
Borromeo A., Piatti P., Weidinger HErnst..  2020.  Europa cristiana e Impero Ottomano Momenti e Problematiche.. v.9:1onlineresource(431p.)..
Purdy S.  2020.  Flop musicals of the twenty first century : how they happened, when they happened (and what we've learned) /. :1volume;.
Péter TNagy.  2020.  Források a magyar színpadi táncművészet történetéhez . Táncművészet és tudomány. :170.
Powrie P, Cadalanu M.  2020.  The French film musical . :1onlineresource:.
Pike L.  2020.  Hexachords in late-Renaissance music . :1volume;.
Hindemith P, Schaal-Gotthardt S, Schader L, Winkler H-J.  2020.  Hindemith-Schott : der Briefwechsel /. :4volumes(695,756,764,258pages):.
Parra F.  2020.  Historia queer del flamenco. Desvíos, transiciones y retornos en el baile flamenco (1808-2018).. :377p..
Perković I, Masnikosa M.  2020.  The History of Serbian Music: Issues of Identity. :701.
