Recent Publications in Music
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The Oxford handbook of time in music . :xii,601pages:.
2022. The partimenti of Giovanni Paisiello : pedagogy and practice /. 184:1onlineresource(xii,307pages):.
2022. The partimenti of Giovanni Paisiello : pedagogy and practice /. 184:x,307pages:.
2022. Pedal culture : guitar effects pedals as cultural artifacts /. :xv,111pages:.
2022. Physiological influences of music in perception and action . :1onlineresource(73pages).
2022. Places and Purposes of Popular Music Education Perspectives from the Field.. :1onlineresource(434p.).
2022. .
2022. .
2022. The recorder . :1onlineresource(xiv,372pages):.
2022. Sacred and secular intersections in music of the long nineteenth century : church, stage, and concert hall /. :1onlineresource.
2022. Sociological thinking in music education : international intersections /. :1onlineresource(xx,259pages):.
2022. Some new kind of kick : a memoir /. :xiii,258pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Strauss on the record . 2019:171Seiten.
2022. .
2022. Twentieth-century music in the West : an introduction /. :xiii,479pages:.
2022. .
2022. Výpravy k já : projevy individualismu v české kultuře 19. století : sborník příspěvků z 41. ročníku mezioborového sympozia k problematice 19. století : Plzeň, 17.-19. června 2021 /. :342pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. The way of the moderns : six perspectives on Modernism in music /. 1:ix,161pages:.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Almanach der Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Studienjahr 2019/20.. v.14:1onlineresource(218p.)..
2021. .
2021. And this is my friend Sandy : Sandy Wilson's The boy friend, London theatre and gay culture /. :1onlineresource(156pages).