Recent Publications in Music

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Ferenc L, István K.  2022.  Chopin élete . Poket. 54:76.
György L, István S.  2022.  Hogyan születtek? : a legendás magyar slágerek :174.
Ingham M.  2022.  The intertextuality and intermediality of the Anglophone popular song . :1onlineresource(251pages.).
Imre H, Réka K.  2022.  Magyar isteni szolgálat...: Alföldi kéziratos kántorkönyvek a 19. századból . :263.
Irwin W.  2022.  The meaning of Metallica : ride the lyrics /. :x,187pages;.
Reynolds DFletcher, , Ibn Ḥayyān AMarwān H, al-Mulk HAllāh ib.  2022.  Medieval Arab music and musicians : three translated texts /. volume 44:1onlineresource(xii,207pages)..
Isacoff S.  2022.  Musical revolutions : how the sounds of the western world changed /. :1onlineresource.
Information Resources Management Association,.  2022.  Research anthology on music education in the digital era . :xiii,469pages:.
Fifer J, Impey A, Kirchschlaeger PG, Nowak M, Ulrich G.  2022.  The Routledge companion to music and human rights . :1onlineresource(xxxi,516pages).
Panagl O, Werley MMichael.  2022.  Strauss on the record . 2019:171Seiten.
Hornby E, Ihnat K, Maloy R, Carrillo RRojo.  2022.  Understanding the Old Hispanic Office : Texts, Melodies, and Devotion in Early Medieval Iberia /. :1onlineresource.
Hornby E, Ihnat K, Maloy R, Carrillo RRojo.  2022.  Understanding the Old Hispanic Office : Texts, Melodies, and Devotion in Early Medieval Iberia /. :1onlineresource.
International Musicological Society, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Marín-López J.  2022.  V Congreso de la Asociación Regional para América Latina y el Caribe.
