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Porcile F.  2021.  Benjamin Britten . 76:176pages:.
Bonde LOle..  2021.  Bent Lorentzen, 1935-2018 . 9:139pages:.
Lederer V.  2021.  Berlioz : a listener's guide /. no. 34:170pages;.
Hein M, Tuxen E, Tuxen E, Ziegler L, Ziegler L, Schiotz A, Norregaard K, Kordt A, Kordt I, Madsen G et al..  2021.  Bernhard Christensen . :1bog(104sider):.
Redfern S.  2021.  Bernstein and Robbins : the early ballets /. v. 173:1onlineresource(xxix,293pages):.
Wells CJay.  2021.  Between beats : the jazz tradition and black vernacular dance /. :1onlineresource(xviii,254pages):.
Garza LDíaz-San.  2021.  Between norteño and tejano conjunto : music, tradition and culture at the U.S.-Mexico border /. :ix,161pages:.
Baade C., McGee KA.  2021.  Beyoncé in the World Making Meaning with Queen Bey in Troubled Times.. :1onlineresource(457p.)..
Hegarty P., Halliwell M..  2021.  Beyond and Before, Updated and Expanded Edition Progressive Rock Across Time and Genre.. :1onlineresource(441p.).
Palazzetti N.  2021.  Béla Bartók in Italy : the politics of myth-making /. :xiv,302pages:.
McHugh D.  2021.  The big parade : Meredith Willson's musicals from the Music Man To 1491 /. :1onlineresource(xiv,272pages):.
Eilish B.  2021.  Billie Eilish . :336pages:.
Eilish B.  2021.  Billie Eilish. :336pages.
Carli A.  2021.  Binding and care of printed music . v. 12:xxvi,309pages:.
Buchanan D, Mitchell L.  2021.  The birds began to sing : a memoir of a New Zealand composer . :240.
Buchanan D, Mitchell L.  2021.  The birds began to sing: a memoir of a New Zealand Composer. :240.
Bizet G, Macdonald H, Bizet G, Bizet G.  2021.  Bizet in Italy : letters and journals, 1857-1860 /. :xxiii,258pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Smith RLangham.  2021.  Bizet's Carmen uncovered . :xxvi,296pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Henderson GL.  2021.  Blind Joe Death's America : John Fahey, the blues, and writing White discontent /. :xi,222pages:.
Arnold BBoy, Field K.  2021.  The blues dream of Billy Boy Arnold . :1onlineresource.
De Vries F.  2021.  Blues for the white man: Hearing black voices in South Africa and the Deep South. :xii,238pages.
de Vries F.  2021.  Blues for the white man : hearing black voices in South Africa and the deep South /. :xii,238pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
King CThomas.  2021.  The blues : the authentic narrative of my music and culture /. :xvi,400pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Ilona F.  2021.  A bölcsesség kezdete az Úr félelme : magyar nyelvű antifónák 16-17. századi kéziratokban és nyomtatványokban, énekeskönyvekben és graduálokban . :324.
Zsuzsanna S.  2021.  A Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Zenetudományi Intézet Könyvtárának Rácz Aladár-hagyatéka . :171.
