Recent Publications in Music

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Bartenstein F, Ellison CW.  2021.  Industrial strength bluegrass : Southwestern Ohio's musical legacy /. :1onlineresource(xxv,220pages):.
DelDonna A.  2021.  Instrumental music in late eighteenth-century Naples : politics, patronage and artistic culture /. :xv,322pages:.
Rainer B, Szabó-Knotik C.  2021.  Instrumentalisten und instrumentale Praxis am Hof Albrechts V. von Bayern 1550-1579 . 16:1onlineresource.
Klauk S.  2021.  Instrumentalmusik neben Haydn und Mozart : Analyse, Aufführungspraxis und Edition /. Band 20:xii,337pages:.
Borg B, Eames M.  2021.  Introduction to music publishing for musicians : business and creative perspectives for the new music industry /. :xxv,323pages:.
Rodríguez EMoreda.  2021.  Inventing the recording : the phonograph and national culture in Spain, 1877-1914 /. :1onlineresource(vii,230pages)..
Johnson D, Muse M, Mellard J.  2021.  It can be this way always : images from the Kerrville Folk Festival /. :xvi,112pages:.
Johnson D, Muse M, Mellard J.  2021.  It can be this way always : images from the Kerrville Folk Festival /. :xvi,112pages:.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Između Srednje Europe i Mediterana : glazba, književnost i izvedbene umjetnosti = Between Central Europe and the Mediterranean. :759.
Heber NM.  2021.  J. S. Bach's Material and Spiritual Treasures : A Theological Perspective /. :1onlineresource(xxii,264pages).
Brittan M.  2021.  Jascha Heifetz in South Africa : insights from 1932 /. :xxii,305pages:.
Steinmetz U, Jullander S.  2021.  Jazz in worship and worship in jazz : exploring the musical language of liturgical, sacred, and spiritual jazz in a postsecular age.
Teal KHannon.  2021.  Jazz places : how performance spaces shape jazz history /. :1onlineresource(viii,208pages).
Bempéchat P-A.  2021.  Jean Cras, polymath of music and letters . v. 50:1onlineresource(xxviii,569pages,10unnumberedpagesofplates):.
Hérault C..  2021.  Jean de Latre (1505-1569) : de l'ombre à la lumière ... /. :245pages:.
Berger K.  2021.  Jenseits der Vernunft : Form und Bedeutung in Wagners Musikdramen /. :1onlineresource(xvi,523pages).
Nielsen LBrix.  2021.  Johann Sebastian Bachs kantater og passioner . :628,XIISeiten:.
Andreasen MWenzel.  2021.  Johannes Brahms : en konservativ romantiker . :162pages.
Sauveur J, Jedrzejewski F, Papadopoulos A.  2021.  Joseph Sauveur : écrits sur la musique et l'acoustique /. :364pages:.
Faure M, Corigliano J.  2021.  José Serebrier : portraits of the maestro /. :x,283pages:.
Hartl K.  2021.  Kauza Kaprálová v dobové korespondenci a dokumentech = The Kaprálová case in period correspondence and documents /. :103stran:.
Elek K.  2021.  Kecskeméti Kodály Kórus 133 . :29.
May T.  2021.  Kim Larsen : kongen af pop. :92sider:.
Schauser S.  2021.  Klassisk! : europaeisk musikhistorie fra begyndelsen til 1900. :444sider.
Bedford S, Gillett C.  2021.  Knowing Britten . :xiii,194pages:.
