New Italian cataloguing rules for uniform titles in music

Posting on behalf of Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi:

The volume Titolo uniforme musicale: norme per la redazione has just been published by ICCU (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico).

The norms have been prepared by the Study Group on music materials, coordinated by ICCU, and provide guidance for the treatment of the information concerning musical works and related responsibilities, for identification. The norms expand and clarify Part II, Works and expressions of the Italian cataloguing rules REICAT (Roma : ICCU, 2009), following the same structure and making constant cross reference, and integrate the provisions for cataloguing in the Italian national library system SBN, contained in the Guida alla catalogazione in SBN – Musica: Musica e libretti a stampa, registrazioni sonore, video e risorse elettroniche musicali (Roma : ICCU, 2012, available online at

The rules on music uniform titles are available in print, or can be freely downloaded at

The printed version is on sale at ICCU; requests may be sent by mail to: ICCU - Ufficio Vendite - viale Castro Pretorio, 105 - 00185 Roma, or by fax: +39.064959302 or e-mail:


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