IAML Friday News (October 3, 2014)


From IAML's Partner Organizations

From IAML's National Branches

Articles of Interest

  • The Hong Kong Academy of Performance Arts has the courage to assist student protesters in Hong Kong.

  • KulTour: Kässpatzen nach der Probe
    Stefan Gnad, Nürnberger Nachrichten
    Sie ist die größte ihrer Art in Nordbayern und kann auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken. Seit genau zwei Jahren ist sie Teil der neuen großen Zentralbibliothek am Gewerbemuseumsplatz, wo sie den kompletten zweiten Stock belegt. Die Rede ist von der Musikbibliothek Nürnberg, in der über 16 000 CDs und 1500 DVDs, 6000 Bücher und 25 000 Notensätze schlummern. 


          AIBM Deutschland member Meta Bischoff

  • Mozart autograph music manuscript discovered in Hungary by IAML member Balázs Mikusi 
    A discovery of international significance has been made in the National Széchényi Library in Budapest. An autograph fragment of one of Mozart’s most popular keyboard works – the Sonata in A major, K. 331, best known for its ‘alla turca’ finale – has been identified by Balázs Mikusi, Head of the Music Collection.

  • Music typewriter: Historical keys to composition in the collection of the National Library 
    Louise Maher, ABC (Australia)
    It looks like one of the typical manual typewriters that dominated offices until the advent of the computer. But this rare music typewriter in the collection of the National Library of Australia (NLA) created potential sounds, rather than words.
    "A lot of people do assume that it plays music," librarian Kristen Gidney said. "But what it actually does is type music notation."

New Electronic Resources

  • Website about composer Norman Cazden

  • Website about conductor Willem Mengelberg (with links to recordings)

  • Svensk Musiktidning digitized and available online from the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket.
    Svensk Musiktidning (Swedish Music Magazine) was an influential magazine published between 1880 and 1913. Now the magazine has been digitized and is available on Musikverket’s website.
    Svensk Musiktidning var en tongivande tidskrift som gavs ut mellan 1880 och 1913. Nu har tidningen, som finns på Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, digitaliserats och presenteras på Musikverkets webbplats.

  • Lectures from the UR Institute for Popular Music Virtual Conference are freely available online.

CFPs and Conferences

  • 7th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2015,  http://www.isast.org) Deadline of abstracts submitted: 20 December 2014

Friday Fun

Bach on a life-sized keyboard

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