IAML Friday News (November 7, 2014)

From IAML's Partner Organizations

From IAML's National Branches

  • Listado de encabezamientos de materia AEDOMAEDOM (Asociación Española de Documentación Musical, Spanish branch of IAML) is happy to announce its latest publication: “Listado de encabezamientos de materia de música”. This is a list of musical subject headings. It has been translated and adapted from the Library of Congress Subject Headings. All this work is due to Gardano, our music cataloguing working group. This publication comes to fill a huge gap in music cataloguing in Spain.”
    It is available for free as a PDF.
  • IAML Hungary met with the MKE Music Librarians Organisation in Budapest
    Hungarian report  In English through Google Translate
  • The Music Library Association announces its 84th Annual Meeting, to be held February 25th to March 1st, 2014 at the Westin Denver Downtown in Denver, Colorado.
    Program information, including a pre-conference archives workshop and a post-conference THATCamp, is on the conference website.

Articles of Interest

  • Budget cuts threaten Belgian cultural institutions
    The Theatre of La Monnaie/De Munt writes: “The federal administrative departments, among which De Munt, Bozar and the National Orchestra are included, will be subject to cuts of 4% on staff and 20% on operations, as from 1st January 2015 and a 2% increase in the cuts each year until 2019.
    “For De Munt this means a loss of 2.93 million euro commencing de facto three months from now. The cuts signify a reduction of 16.28% over the next five years, amounting to a total of 6.5 million euro.”
    Stop the cultural blackout! 
    Send your opinion to black-out@lamonnaie.be
    Support their Facebook page
  • The November issue of CD HotList: New Releases for Libraries has been posted
    “This month’s recommendations include a Lenny Breau box set, Sculthorpe string quartets with didjeridu (whaaaaa?), Miles/Trane boxes, Oliver Lake organ quartet craziness, 1970s Finnish psychedelia, and much more.  Enjoy!”
  • La recommandation musicale en médiathèque
    Dans le Manifeste de l’UNESCO sur la bibliothèque publique de 1994, il est énoncé « que la bibliothèque publique est un instrument essentiel de l’éducation permanente ». Quant au bibliothécaire il est affirmé  dans un rôle de médiateur : « le bibliothécaire est un intermédiaire actif entre les utilisateurs et les ressources ».
  • What We Can Learn From The Adobe E-Reader Mess
    Cooper Quintin, Electronic Frontier Foundation
    "We can't trust vendors to protect our privacy for us. We expect Adobe didn't deliberately set out to undermine our privacy – but it happened anyway."

Friday Fun

All 9 of Beethoven's Symphonies at the same time, Movement 1
By MLA member Steve Kemple


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