IAML News: Monday Morning Edition

Contents: IAML News -- From IAML's Partner Organizations -- From IAML's National Groups -- News from Music Libraries -- New Books -- New Music -- Electronic Resources -- CFPs and Conferences -- Social Media News -- Monday Video


Inger Enquist, IAML archivist, reports that the new inventory to the IAML archives is now ready here (PDF). The international IAML archives (more information here) are housed at the Music and Theatre Library of Sweden, Stockholm.

From IAML’s Partner Organizations
EBLIDA newsletter, Issue 03 (March 2014)
Of particular interest: details of the response to the EU copyright consultation, which proposes reducing the term of protection from 70 years to 50 years.
thanks to Richard Chesser via the IAML-L


From IAML’s National Groups
The draft of the minutes from the MLA Board meetings in Atlanta can now be found at http://www.musiclibraryassoc.org/?page=Boardminutes. IAML is discussed on p. 14.


News from Music Libraries
Enregistrements des Rencontres Nationales des Bibliothécaires Musicaux 2014
Vous trouverez dans cet article les enregistrements effectués lors des Rencontres Nationales des Bibliothécaires Musicaux qui se sont déroulées les 17 et 18 mars 2014 à Rennes

Jennifer Oates, "Engaging with Research and Resources in Music Courses," Journal of Music History Pedagogy Vol 4, No. 2 (2014): Spring 2014: Essays in Honor of Douglass Seaton

Uta Schaumberg, "Nachlässe und Sammlungen von Musikhandschriften in der Musikabteilung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek," Bibliotheksmagazin 1 (2014), S. 63-68

Ethel Smyth: "Leipzig!!! ... Here I am!"

British composer and feminist Ethel Smyth studied in Leipzig in 1877/78. You can help the Hochschule für Musik und Theater purchase the letters she wrote to her mother. A website has been set up to sponsor the letters. This May will mark the 70th anniversary of Smyth's death.


Am 8. Mai 2014 ist der 70. Todestag der britischen Komponistin und Frauenrechtlerin Ethel Smyth.
Passend zu diesem Anlass wurden der Bibliothek der HMT Leipzig von einem Londoner Antiquariat 57 Briefe angeboten, die Smyth während ihrer Studienzeit am Leipziger Konservatorium (1877/78) an ihre Mutter schrieb. Um den Erwerb zu ermöglichen, setzen wir auf eine Patenschaftsaktion. Für 150 € können Einzelpersonen und Gruppen (z. B. Freundes- und Kollegenkreise) die symbolische Patenschaft für einen Brief übernehmen (http://www.hmt-leipzig.de/hmt/bibliothek/hmtarchiv/ethel-smyth). 

Thanks to Barbara Wiermann via the AIBM-L.

New Books
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke
Bach-Repertorium, Band 3/2
Wolfram Enßlin, Uwe Wolf, Christine Blanken


New Music
The following edition, freely downloadable for study and performance, has just been added to the Archive of Seventeenth-Century Italian Madrigals and Arias (ASCIMA): Giovanni Valentini, Musiche concertate con voci, et istromenti, a 6, 7, 8, 9, et 10, con basso continuo (Venice, 1619) ed. Pyrros Bamichas.


Electronic Resources
The Hip Hop Archive, W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, Harvard University
Reviewed in Music Reference Services Quarterly 17:1 (2014)


CFPs and Conferences
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2014), April 1 – 4
Glasgow, Scotland

The Music Encoding Conference
Charlottesville, Virginia 20-23 May 2014
The Program Committee announces that "late-breaking" poster submissions will be accepted until *April 14th*.
"Late-breaking" posters usually aim to present research projects under development or results that were not available at the time of the original call for submissions.

Society for American Music (http://american-music.org)
41st Annual Conference, Sacramento CA, 4–8 March 2015
Call for Submissions: Due 2 June 2014


Social Media
Warming Up to the Culture of Wikipedia
via @Europeanaeu

Geek in Residence: In Australia, the Geek in Residence program supports arts and cultural organisations to develop their digital skills in various areas throughout their organisation. The objective of the program is to equip arts and cultural organisations with the skills, information and connections needed to be competitive in the digital era including operational and artistic developments.
via @IAMLAustralia


Start off your Monday with...
Two Great Danes at the Piano: Lauritz Melchior & Victor Borge
via Slipped Disc


Liebe Jennifer, diese IAML News Editions sind wirklich eine großartige Idee, ob zum Wochenende oder zum Wochenstart . Vielen Dank dafür!


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