A message from Maureen Buja, Editor-in-Chief, Fontes Artis Musicae:
Please keep an eye on your mailboxes for the Fontes Artis Musicae Special Topics issue for 2014: When Music Goes Digital. It’s mailing now!
Co–Guest Edited by Jantien Dubbeldam from The Netherlands and Katie Lai in Hong Kong, the issue brings together a world of librarians and scholars looking at music and music research in the digital sphere.
The issue contains articles by
- Bob Kosovsky from NYPL talking about the work Opera-L did to improve the opera listings in Wikipedia, eventually working on over 8,600 articles.
- Hyun Kyung Chae and others on implementing a web-based content management system for music education documents
- Zong Woo Geem and Jeong-Yoon Choi on a music-inspired algorithm for music document grouping.
- Edward Guo, founder of IMSLP, gives us A Librarians Guide to IMSLP with details on the internal classifications used through the system.
- Jürgen Diet on digitization projects at the Bavarian State Library
- Anneleen Van Boxtael gives us a history of neoScores, which we saw demonstrated at the Antwerp meeting
- Rob Coers and Jeroen de Boer talk about their MuziekDingen (Music Thing) project to help librarians become involved in social media.
- Hiroshi Yasunda, a researcher in Japan working on a German 19th century composer, talks about the new worlds he’s discovering through libraries on the web.
Jantien and Katie have put together a wonderful international survey of the many different meanings that “digital” has for the music library world and I hope you have an interesting time exploring that world through Fontes. Remember that next year’s IAML meeting is organized around the theme of Music Research in the Digital Age, so this issue will be a start to what we can expect in New York.
Happy Reading!
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