Vol. 61/1, January – March 2014
- The Collection of Musical Manuscripts in I. J. Paderewski's Personal Library Justyna Szombara
- Verdi Studies In RILM-Italia Pinuccia Carrer
- Music Libraries In China WU Xu
- How Foreign Is Foreign? On the Origins of Leopold Hofmann's Smaller Liturgical Works Allan Badley
- German Influences in the Development of the Norwegian Classical Music Tradition Berit Holth
- Music Manuscripts in the Polish Library in Paris Renata Suchowiejko
- Turning Music Catalogues into Archives of Musical Scores – or Vice Versa: Music Archives and Catalogues
- Based on MEI XML Axel Teich Geertinger
Corresponding Editors’ News
- Norway: The Norwegian Music Heritage Project: The National Library of Norway Jorid Nordal Baumann
- Basic Music Reference: A Guide for Non-specialist Librarians, Library Assistants, and Student Employees. By Alan Green and Michael J. Duffy, IV. Adam Taylor
- The Politics of Opera in Handel's Britain. By Thomas McGeary. Katie Hawks
- Histories of Heinrich Schütz. By Bettina Varwig. David Rayl
- String Quartets: A Research and Information Guide. By Mara E Parker. Allan Badley
- Wail: The Life of Bud Powell. By Peter Pullman. Dave Gelly
- The Perilous Life of Symphony Orchestras: Artistic Triumphs and Economic Challenges. By Robert J. Flanagan. John Schuster-Craig
- Contemplating Shostakovich: Life, Music and Film. Edited by Alexander Ivashkin and Andrew Kirkman. Cameron Pyke
- Unheard Of: Memoirs of a Canadian Composer. By John Beckwith. J. Drew Stephen
- Gustav Jacobsthal - ein Musikologe im deutschen Kaiserreich: Musik inmitten von Natur, Geschichte und Sprache - eine ideen - und kulturgeschichtliche Biographie mit Dokumenten und Briefen. By Peter Sühring. Tina Frühauf
- The Musical Legacy of Wartime France. By Leslie A. Sprout. Keith E. Clifton
- Mapping Canada's Music: Selected Writings of Helmut Kallmann. Edited by John Beckwith and Robin Elliott.
- Centre and Periphery, Roots and Exile: Interpreting the Music of Istva´n Anhalt, György Kurta´g, and Sa´ndor Veress. Edited by Friedemann Sallis, Robin Elliott, and Kenneth Delong. Brian C. Thompson
- Historical Harpsichord Technique: Developing La douceur du toucher. By Yonit Lea Kosovske. Arthur Lawrence
Vol. 61/2, April – June 2014
- Digital Opera and Ballet: A Case Study of International Collaboration David A. Day
- Paul Wittgenstein's Voice and Richard Strauss's Music: Discovering the Musical Dialogue between Composer and Performer Georg Predota
- Le fonds Adolphe Jullien conservé à la Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris Yannick Simon
- Musicologists and Librarians Working Together: The Lendület Archive and Research Group, Budapest Ferenc János Szabó
- Throwing Some Light on the History of Verdi and Wagner Reception in Tyrol Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider
- The Santiago Codex of Valladolid: Origins, Contents and Dating Nuria Torres
Corresponding Editors’ News
- Australia: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre Archive in the Louise Hanson-Dyer Music Library Evelyn Portek
- Canada: Barbara Dobbs-McKenzie to be the Keynote Speaker at CAML Lisa Philpott
- France: Avis de mise en ligne : « 10 ans avec la contrebasse » Corinne Brun
- South Africa: Directory of South African Music Collections Santie de Jongh
- South Africa: Digitised South African Music Collections at Stellenbosch University Available via SUNDigital Collections Santie de Jongh
- South Africa: History of Music in South Africa Santie de Jongh
- The Creative Process in Music: From Mozart to Kurtág. By William Kinderman. John Schuster-Craig
- Mozart at the Gateway to his Fortune: Serving the Emperor, 1788–1791. By Christoph Wolff. Allan Badley
- Music and Ceremony at the Court of Charles V: the Capilla Flamenca and the Art of Political Promotion. By Mary Tiffany Ferer. James Vincent Maiello
- Galina Ivanovna Ustvol'skaja: Komponieren als Obsession. Von Andreas Holzer und Tatjana Markovic. Eva Rieger
- A Heinrich Schütz Reader. Edited and translated by Gregory S. Johnston. David Rayl
- The Influence of European Literary and Artistic Representations of the 'Orient' on Western Orchestral Compositions, ca. 1840–1920: From Oriental Inspiration to 'Exotic' Orchestration. By Jonathan David Little. Elizabeth Markham
- Literary Sources of Nineteenth-Century Musical Orientalism: The Hypnotic Spell of the Exotic on Music of the Romantic Period. By Jonathan David Little. Elizabeth Markham
- Music and Academia in Victorian Britain. By Rosemary Golding. Veronica Jamset
- The Journals and Letters of Susan Burney. By Philip Olleson. Allan Badley
- Our Ancient National Airs: Scottish Song Collecting from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Era. By Karen McAulay. William Donaldson
- For Future Generations: Hugh Tracey and the International Library of African Music. Edited by Diane Thram. Lizabé Lambrechts
- Forma Divina: Saggi sull'opera lirica ed sul balletto. By Fedele d'Amico; curated by Badolato and Lorenzo Bianconi. Barbara Diana
- Le fonti musicali in Piemonte. Vol. 3. Asti e Provincia. A cura di P. Cavallo. Stefano Baldi
- From Stage to Screen: Musical Films in Europe and United States (1927-1961). Edited by Massimiliano Sala. Rebecca Warner
- Musikstudium in der Diktatur : das Landeskonservatorium der Musik, die Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Leipzig in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus 1933 1945. Von Maren Goltz. Peter Sühring
- Twentieth-Century Music and Politics: Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds. Edited by Pauline Fairclough. Cameron Pyke
- Music Production: Recording: A Guide for Producers, Engineers and Musicians. By Carlos Lellis Ferreira. Kirsten Cowie
Vol. 61/3, July - September 2014
Special Topic: When Music Goes Digital
Guest Editors: Jantien Dubbeldam and Katie LAI
- When Music Goes Digital Jantien Dubbeldam and Katie Lai
- Opera-L and Wikipedia Robert Kosovsky
- Challenges to Music Documentation: Design and Implementation of a Web-based Content Management System for East Asian Music Education Documents Hyun Kyung Chae, Eun-Ha Kim, Min-Soo Lee, Otgonjargal Myagmar
- The Potential of a Music-Inspired Algorithm for Music Document Grouping Zong Woo Geem, Jeong-Yoon Choi
- A Librarian's Guide to IMSLP Edward W. Guo
- Digitization and Presentation of Music Documents in the Bavarian State Library Jürgen Diet
- The Dawn of Digital Sheet Music with neoScores Anneleen Van Boxstael
- MuziekDingen: Learning about Social Media and Music Rob Coers and Jeroen de Boer
- Click and It Will Be Opened to You: How Google Has Changed Musicological Research Hiroshi Yasuda
- Directory of South African Music Collections. http://libguides.sun.ac.za/SAMusicCollections(link is external). By Santie de Jongh. P. Antoni Schonken
- EYECatalunya [http://eyecatalunya.com](link is external). Diana Salazar
- Classical Guitar Music in Printed Collections. http://guitarmusicincollections.com(link is external). By Ellwood Colahan. Maristella Feustle
Vol. 61/4, October – December 2014
Management Reports
- Council Report Pia Shekhter
- Treasurer's Report Thomas Kalk
Ad-hoc Committees
Professional Branches
- Archives and Music Documentation Centres Marie-Gabrielle Soret
- Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Sabina Benelli / Nienke de Boer
- Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Johan Eeckeloo / Claire Kidwell
- Public Libraries Carolyn Dow / Hanneke Kuiper
- Research Libraries Kerstin Carpvik
Subject Commissions
- Bibliography Jaakko Tuohiniemi
- Audio-Visual Materials Hanneke Kuiper
- Service and Training Geoff Thomason
- Cataloguing Joseph Hafner
- Sub-Commission on UNIMARC Joseph Hafner
- Sub-Commission on ISBD and Music Isabel Gauchet Doris / Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi
Working Groups
- Access to Music Archives Inger Enquist / Jon Bagüés
- Access to Music Ephemera Paul Banks
- Advocacy Pam Thompson
- Conference Antony Gordon
- Constitution Richard Chesser
- Copyright Helen Faulkner
- Membership Jim Cassaro
- Outreach Jon Bagüés
- Programme Stanislaw Hrabia
- Publications : Print Joseph Hafner
- Publications : Electronic Antony Gordon
R-Projects and Other Collaborative Projects
- Repertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) Klaus Keil
- Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie
- Répertoire International d'Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM) Antonio Baldassare
- Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM) H. Robert Cohen
- IAML-L Bonna Boetticher
- International Standard Music Number (ISMN) Carolin Unger
National Reports
- Australia Julia Mitford
- Austria / Österreich Thomas Aigner
- Belgium / België / Belgique Federal and French-speaking institutions or members Marie Cornaz
- Canada Cheryl Martin
- Croatia / Hrvatska Željka Radovinovic
- Czech Republic / Ceská Republika Zoja Seycková
- Denmark / Danmark (2013 retrospective, 2014) Emilie Wieth-Knudsen
- Estonia / Eesti Kaie Viigipuu-Kreintaa
- Finland / Suomi Jaakko Tuohiniemi
- France Elizabeth Giuliani
- Germany / Deutschland Jürgen Diet
- Hungary / Magyarország Julianna Gócza
- Japan / Nippon Masakata Kanazawa
- Lithuania Živile Casaite
- The Netherlands / Nederland Joost van Gemert
- New Zealand / Aotearoa Marilyn Portman
- Norway / Norge Frida Røsand
- Poland / Polska Stanislaw Hrabia
- Russia / Rossiya Emilia Rassina
- Slovakia / Slovensko Anna Kucianová
- Spain / España Jorge García
- Sweden / Sverige Birgitta Sparre
- Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera Jörg Müller
- United Kingdom and Ireland Peter Baxter
- United States Michael Colby
Honorary Membership Citation
John Roberts, Martie Severt
Corresponding Editors’ News
- Norway: Reorganizations in the National Music Collection Inger Johanne Christiansen
- United States: Diversity Scholarship Funded Michael Colby
- Noter, annoter, éditer la musique : mélanges offerts à Catherine Massip. Réunis par Cécile Reynaud & Herbert Schneider. John Wagstaff
- A Critical History of New Music in China. By Liu Ching-chih; translated by Caroline Mason. YANG Yuanzheng
- Los libros de polifonía de la Catedral de México: Estudio y catálogo critico. By Javier Marín López. Owen Rees
- Readying Cavalli's Operas for the Stage: Manuscript, Edition, Production. Edited by Ellen Rosand. Brian Cockburn
- Style and Performance for Bowed String Instruments in French Baroque Music. By Mary Cyr. Andrew Justice
- Opera, Theatrical Culture and Society in Late Eighteenth-Century Naples. By Anthony R. DelDonna. Allan Badley
- The Björling Sound: A Recorded Legacy. By Stephen Hastings. Barry Zaslow
- Der Hof: Ort kulturellen Handelns von Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Edited by Susanne Rode-Breymann and Antje Tumat. Helen Coffey
- Toscanini in Britain. By Christopher Dyment. Bryan Proksch
- From Boulanger to Stockhausen: Interviews and A Memoir. By Bálint András Varga. John Schuster-Craig
- Composing for the Red Screen: Prokofiev and Soviet Film. By Kevin Bartig. Terry Dean
Recent Publications in Music compiled by Maureen Buja and David Summerfield
Index compiled by Stanley Boorman