Questionnaire: Networking and access to music collections

A questionnaire was distributed in 1998. Answers can be found here.

  1. Describe your libraries' participation in networks
    1. Which bibliographic network does your library participate in?
      • OCLC
      • RLIN
      • national / regional network (please specify):
      • other (please specify):
    2. Does your library participate for the purposes of:
      • shared cataloging
      • resource sharing i.e. interlibrary loan
      • other purposes: ...
    3. Is your network: a general library network or a network for music materials only?
    4. What kind of materials are catalogued in it?
      • music
      • scores
      • music literature
      • librettos
      • audiovisual materials
        (please indicate size of collections)
    5. How successful is the network for specific music research purpose?
      (e.g. can users search by medium of performance, musical form)
  2. Describe your libraries' participation in the Internet
    • Address of your Institution homepage:
    • In which way is the database of your library available?
  3. Are bibliographic data of your library available through commercial CD-ROM ?
    (if yes, please write their titles)
  4. How do these network relationships affect access to materials in your local institution?
    • Increased number of interlibrary loan requests from other libraries
    • Increased number of interlibrary loan requests from your users

Personal data (if not already in your e-mail signature): Name, Institution, phone/fax number or e-mail address.


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