Norsk musikkbiblioteksforening (the Norwegian IAML Branch) was founded on 26 November 1972. The 50th anniversary was celebrated at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation on 26 October 2022. The gathering was very enjoyable with good food and the "compulsory" birthday cake. Four Past Presidents attended the festivities and gave speeches, as well as the present President, Tone Nøtvik Jakobsen. Erlend Hegdal from the National Library was invited to present his book "Charleston i Grukkedalen". Instead of a birthday song Inger Johanne Christiansen, a Past President of the Branch, found the "Library March” within the rich holdings of the National Library. It was sung with gusto.
Five Presidents of the Norwegian IAML Branch
From left to right: Siren Steen (Past President), Frida Røsand (Past President), Inger Johanne Christiansen (Past President), Tone Nøtvik Jakobsen (President), Tone Elofsson (Past President)
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