Please, find below an invitation to nominate projects or programes for the IMC MUSICAL RIGHTS AWARDS.

IAML nominated The National Youth Orchestra of Iraq as a contender for the 2011 International Music Council Musical Rights Award 2011. The programme received a "Special Commendation".

"Dear IMC Members,

On behalf of the IMC Executive Board, I am pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the IMC MUSICAL RIGHTS AWARDS.

These biennial awards are given to the best projects or programmes in the world that support any of the IMC five musical rights; they will be presented in the framework of the 5th World Forum on Music in 2013.

You are invited to nominate projects or programmes for an award.

The right to make nominations is exclusively reserved for IMC member organisations. The nominated projects or programmes can belong to your own organisation and/or to any other organisation anywhere.

Each member may nominate up to two projects.

The awards will be announced at the IMC’s 5th World Forum on Music in Brisbane, Australia, in November 2013.

Each winner will receive a certificate and wide publicity. Each winner will receive one travel bursary to participate with a presentation at the World Forum on Music."

Deadline is May 15, 2013.

Contact the IMC Secretariat at


The IMC works towards the advancement of the following rights:

· the right for all children and adults

- to express themselves musically in all freedom

- to learn musical languages and skills

- to have access to musical involvement through participation, listening, creation, and information

· the right for musical artists

- to develop their artistry and communicate through all media, with proper facilities at their disposal

- to obtain just recognition and remuneration for their work

Silja Fischer

Secretary General, IMC


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