2023 IAML Congress, Cambridge, United Kingdom

IAML 2023 logo for Cambridge

The 2023 IAML Congress took place in Cambridge from 30 July - 4 August.

Contact: enquiries@iaml2023.org
Website: https://iaml2023.org/ (archived via Internet Archive)

Social media:

Congress programme

General Assembly (1 and 4 August)

  • Agenda (as of 3 August 2023)

Closing Session (4 August)

Hot Topics

The Hot Topics session will take place on Friday, 4 August at 14.00-15.00. Topics were suggested here (members only; must be logged in to view).



Congress survey

Results from the 2023 IAML Congress Survey can be viewed here (PDF).



Materials presented in the sessions

Archives and Music Documentation Centres Section

Audio-Visual Materials Section

Bibliography Section

Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Section

Cataloguing and Metadata Section

Forum of Sections

Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Section

Poster session

Public Libraries Section

Reseach Libraries Section

Research Libraries Section



English French German Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish