The IAML Mailing List

IAML-L is the mailing list of IAML. Its aim is to improve communication between music librarians, to learn from each others' experience, to debate professional subjects and to share problems or information. People who have questions of a music bibliographic nature or need the help of a music librarian are welcome to send a message to the list. IAML-L includes more than 600 subscribers.

Any use of communications or subscriber contact information for commercial purposes is unacceptable and will result in removal from the list.

To subscribe to IAML-L, send a message to

The message’s subject line should be simply “join” (without quotes), and the body of the message should be blank.

To leave (unsubscribe from) IAML-L, send a message to

The message’s subject line should be simply “leave” (without quotes), and the body of the message should be blank.
If your e-mail address changes, you need to leave the list using the the e-mail address you no longer wish to use, and then resubscribe using the new e-mail address. For both steps, use the commands as described above.

To send a message to IAML-L, use

Other options

You may set several options on your own, including how you receive IAML-L mail, whether your sent messages are acknowledged, and whether you receive copies of your own messages to the list.

Receiving mail options
mail Default. Receive mail as it is contributed. Each posting will come to you as a separate email message.
digest Receive a single daily digest with all the messages of the day. The digest will contain ALL the text from ALL the postings, not just a summary.
mimedigest Receive a single daily digest with all the messages of the day in MIME format. Each posting will be included as an attachment (so you may receive many many attachments).
nomail Receive no mail from this list. This is useful if you want to temporarily stop receiving messages, but don't want to unsubscribe. (To start receiving mail again, send another SET command with one of the other three message type options.)
ack When contributing to the list, receive a confirmation message each message was distributed.
noack Default. When contributing to the list, do not receive a confirmation message that the message was distributed.
Receiving copies of your own messages
repro Default. Receive a copy of messages you contribute to a list when the messages are distributed to list.
norepro Do not receive copies of your own postings.


To change any of the optional setting from the default option, send a message to

The message’s subject line should be “set option” (without quotes; option should be replaced by one of the boldface commands), and the body of the message should be blank.

Example: set digest

If you encounter any difficulties, or if you prefer to have options changed for you, rather than doing so yourself, please contact the listowner.

This page was updated on: 
13 Jul 2024


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