Montreal 2012 logo
July 22-27 juillet 2012
Centre Mont-Royal
Montréal, Québec, Canada
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June 5 Update

joseph.hafner's picture
Tue, 06/05/2012 - 18:16 -- joseph.hafner


Registration continues to go well for IAML 2012. If you still need to register, please do today!

Banquet tickets:

We found a way to have a few more banquet tickets, but act soon to purchase them.

Holiday Inn Montreal-Midtown:

There are plenty of rooms available at our new conference hotel.

Exhibitors & Sponsors:

We now have filled the exhibits with 30 tables, and there are still sponsorship opportunities available -

Printed program:

This week we are trying to complete the work on the printed program, so hopefully you have given any information to Stanisław Hrabia that you need to about changes or latest details.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

See all of you in July!

Joseph Hafner
Daniel Paradis
Brian McMillan
Co-présidents, Comité organisateur