Japan / 日本

Dr. Hiroko Kishimoto In Memoriam (IAML Japan)

We have received the following from Mari Itoh, President of IAML Japan: Dr. Hiroko Kishimoto, emeritus professor of the Showa University of Music, passed away on the 9th of October. She was one of the founding members of the IAML Japan branch, founded in 1979, and a committee member of the memorable IAML Tokyo Conference in 1988.

A WDR Notenarchiv Double Feature

Mari Itoh (Aichi Shukutoku University), of IAML Japan and the Japanese corresponding editor for Fontes, was recently a visiting researcher at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart and paid a visit to the WDR Notenarchiv in Cologne--the music archive of the West German Broadcasting Corporation. Here is a summary of her brief stay, followed by a summary of the visit in German by Katharina Jerusalem (WDR intern).


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