As per the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee, workspaces have been set up on the IAML website in order to facilitate communication between IAML congresses.
Workspaces are open to all IAML members, including representatives of institutions. Participants can create wiki pages, add comments, and upload files in order to plan the activities of a section, committee, study group, or project group.
Anyone can join a workspace for a section, study group, or project group by going to the group's page and clicking the "Join workspace" link on the left. People interested in participating in committee workspaces must contact the committee chair and workspace membership is at the chair's discretion.
Every workspace has a link to Workspace help. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Web Editor.
Please note that you must be logged into the IAML website in order to use the workspaces. If you cannot log in, try resetting your password or reading detailed instructions here.
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Campaign of collecting books
UOH campaign for collecting books