
A limited number of reduced rate rooms have been reserved at the conference hotel: Ramada Plaza Hotel
The hotel is located just across the street from the conference venue.
Antwerp city centre is easily accessible by a regular tram service which operates seven days a week from 6am to midnight. The tram stop is just outside our door. Journey time to the city is approx 10 minutes.
Reservations must be made online using the link below. The reduced rate rooms will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Click here to make reservations.

And we have a second conference hotel: Crowne Plaza Hotel. This hotel is located just around the corner of the conference venue.
You find here the room reservation form.

Antwerp has numerous hotels and B&B’s in all price classes.

Antwerp has also two urban campsites:
CamperPark Vogelzang (Motorhomepark, close to the conference venue)
Camping De Molen (campground across the Scheldt River, near Sint-Anna ‘beach’)

If you prefer youth and budget accommodation, please have a look here.