The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

IAML Kraków Congress Diary #10: Az IAML Krakkói Kongresszusán

dr. Mikusi Balázs, Gócza Julianna, Zsoldos Marianna, Csanda Mária, Gulyásné Somogyi KláraAz IAML a világ különböző típusú zenei könyvtárait, gyűjteményeit, archívumait, dokumentációs központjait, zenekiadóit, terjesztőit, zenei könyvtárosait, zenetudósait, szakembereit fogja össze. Minden évben különböző helyszínen nemzetközi kongresszust szervez előadásokkal, poszterbemutatókkal, munkaülésekkel. Idén az IAML kongresszusának (2019. július 14-19.) Lengyelország kulturális fővárosa, Krakkó adott otthont.

IAML Kraków Congress Diary #9: IAML Italia

Il gruppo italiano nella magnifica Cappella di Santa Kinga durante la visita alle miniere di sale a Wieliczka il 17 luglio.I partecipanti italiani al Congresso a Cracovia in alcuni scatti di piacevoli momenti durante la visita alla città e i dintorni. Tra i delegati italiani: Sabina Benelli, Nicoletta Betta, Federica Biancheri, Attilio Bottegal, Giovanni Dequal, Patrizia Florio, Tiziana Grande, Mariagrazia Laganà, Pierluigi Ledda, Laura Rinnovati, Pietro Zappalà.

IAML Kraków Congress Diary #8: Ad Congress Diary Krakow (Hungary)

A small chapel in a parkAz idei volt a második alkalom, hogy részt vehettem a IAML éves konferenciáján. Nagy élmény számomra meghallgatni a kollégákat, megtapasztalni, hogy máshol is  hasonlóak a kérdések, problémák, amelyekkel szembesülnek a munkájuk során.

IAML Kraków Congress Diary #7: From Exciting and Terrifying to Kind and Welcoming

Old University in Kraków. © Caren NichterThis was my first IAML Congress, which initially was not only exciting, but also terrifying. I needn’t have been nervous however because, from the first-time-attendees session at the start and throughout the week, everyone was extremely kind and welcoming. The real benefit of a conference like this is the chance to connect with colleagues from all over the world. You hear not only about their work but also about their lives. It is such an enriching experience on so many levels!

Announcing the Magnetic Tape Alert Project

Magnetic tapeMagnetic tape replay equipment is fading out. Today’s knowledge of the linguistic and cultural diversity of humanity is widely based on magnetic tape recordings produced over the past 60 years. Magnetic audio and video tape formats are now obsolete. Spare parts supply and service is fading, replay equipment in operable condition is disappearing rapidly, and routine transfer of magnetic tape documents is estimated to end around 2025. The only way to preserve these sounds and images in the long term, and to keep them accessible for future generations, is their digitisation and transfer to safe digital repositories.


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