The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

Veslemöy Heintz has received "Medaljen för Tonkonstens Främjande"

Veslemöy Heintz, Honorary Member of IAML and President 1995-1998, has received "Medaljen för Tonkonstens Främjande". This is the most prestigious award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. The medal has been awarded since 1945 during a ceremony at the Academy to highly deserving individuals for significant contributions in the promotion of Swedish Music.

RILM has reached 750,000 records!

"An assistant editor at RILM just accessed our 750,000th record, bringing our database to (and now beyond) three-quarters of a million bibliographic entries!

The milestone record is “Pierre Boulez: ‘One cannot refer to the biography to explain the music’”, an interview included in Gustav Mahler: The conductors’ interviews (Wien: Universal Edition, 2013, pp. 38–47)."
[Bibliolore - The RILM blog]

IAML Membership Survey - at a Glance

A survey was created using the tool Survey Monkey to help the IAML Board gather information about the recent IAML conference, attendance at IAML conferences, and feedback about IAML in general. The survey included ten questions, of which some had multiple parts. Respondents had six weeks to complete it. A total of 295 people responded, and Survey Monkey produced a 31-page summary of results. An overview follows.

Update from the Web Team

The Web Team (Gabriele Gamba, Stefanie Hundsberger, Astrid Evasdotter Smith, Jennifer Ward) would like to wish all IAML-members a very happy new year. It is time for us to bring you a little update on our activities. We have been very busy over the last few months working on the general structure of the new website. For this goal we are working together with Swedish web designers in order create a website that is user-friendly as well as functional and pleasant to look at. The web designers delivered first sketches of the skeleton of the new website just before Christmas.

Best wishes to all colleagues for a very happy holiday season, and a wonderful New Year from the IAML President!

[Previously posted on IAML-L]

Dear All,

Greetings from New York, where we had snow earlier in the week and tomorrow it is predicted to be close to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius). Fickle weather!

I am writing with a brief update on IAML activities. Much has been going on since my last update in late September, and here are a few highlights:


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