IAML 2018

General Assembly minutes from the IAML Congress in Leipzig in 2018

The draft minutes from the General Assembly in Leipzig are now available on the IAML website.

Many thanks to former Secretary General Pia Shekhter for all her hard work finishing the minutes as fast as possible, making them available for all of you already now.

Please note that the minutes are not approved until after the next General Assembly in Kraków in July this year.

IAML Leipzig Congress Diary #10: IAML Leipzig 2018: it's all in the mix

The tenth congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2018 IAML Congress in Leipzig is by Anna Pensaert (University of Cambridge). It was originally published on the MusiCB3 Blog(link is external) and has been republished here with permission:

IAML Leipzig Congress Diary #9: A Trip to Leipzig: SIMSSA XV and IAML

The ninth congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2018 IAML Congress in Leipzig is by Emily Hopkins (Single Interfact for Music Score Searching and Analysis (SIMSSA)(link is external)). It was originally published on the SIMSSA blog(link is external) and has been republished here with permission:


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