Recent Publications in Music

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[Gast].  2018.  Svijet jazza : od Adorna do Zorna : antologija tekstova. :705.
Janjik MJurić.  2018.  Svjedočanstva dvojice hrvatskih autora 16. stoljeća kao izvori podataka o tursko-osmanlijskoj glazbi. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Béres J, Béres K, Robinson R.  2018.  Szép magyar ének Gyermekdalok, népdalok, népies dalok és szent énekek . :847.
Sekkyōbushi no Kai,.  2017.  Sanshō Dayū . :233pages:.
Hentschel L.  2017.  Sångsituationer : en fenomenologisk studie av sång i musikämnet under grundskolans senare år /. 27:270sidor:.
Graham B.  2017.  Scatological alchemy : a gnostic biography of the Butthole Surfers /. :133pages;.
Bickford T.  2017.  Schooling new media : music, language, and technology in children's culture /. :ix,188pages:.
Beach D.  2017.  Schubert's mature instrumental music : a theorist's perspective /. v. 142:x,212pages:.
Arnborg B.  2017.  Se på mig! : en biografi över Zarah Leander /. :511pages:.
Brown M, Owens S.  2017.  Searches for tradition : essays on New Zealand music, past & present. :294pages:illustrations(somecolour),music.
Jávorszky BS.  2017.  Sebő 70. :142+1CD.
Watanabe T.  2017.  Sengo kabuki no seishinshi . :315pages:.
Bartig K.  2017.  Sergei Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky . :x,161pages:.
Southall B.  2017.  Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band : the album, The Beatles and the world in 1967 /. :192pages:illustrations(somecolour),portraits;26cm...
Southall B.  2017.  Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band : the album, the Beatles, and the world in 1967 . :192pages:.
Lethem J, Dettmar KJH.  2017.  Shake it up : great American writing on rock and pop from Elvis to Jay Z /. :xv,601pages;.
Kanbe S..  2017.  Shiberiusu . :253,43pages;.
hAllmhuráin GÓ.  2017.  A short history of Irish traditional music. :208pages.
Ezaki K, Sawasaki M.  2017.  Shōka daijiten. :758pages:.
Kokuritsu bunraku gekijō..  2017.  Shōwa sanjūnen shōwa sanjūgonen . Shōwahen-4:579pages;.
Chapman JL.  2017.  Singing and teaching singing : a holistic approach to classical voice /. :xxi,371pages:illustrations,music;$c26cm.
Dell H, Hickey H.  2017.  Singing death : reflections on music and mortality /. :xii,202pages:.
Phelan H.  2017.  Singing the rite to belong : music, ritual, and the new Irish . :1onlineresource..
Cunningham MG.  2017.  Sixteen cantigas de Santa Maria with dotted rhythm : study and transcriptions . :x,180pages:illustrations,music.
Eglinton M.  2017.  So let it be written : the biography of Metallica's James Hetfield /. :219pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
