Recent Publications in Music

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Laskai A, Berlász M.  2018.  Gyula Dávid. Hungarian composers . 39:47.
Zdanowicz G, Bambrick S.  2019.  The game audio strategy guide : a practical course /. :1onlineresource:.
Jones R.  2019.  Garej Paradwys : Atgofion drwy Ganeuon Ail Symudiad /. :127pages:.
Budtz P-J.  2019.  Gasolin' . :1onlineresource.
Scharff C.  2019.  Gender, subjectivity and cultural work : the classical music profession /. :1volume:.
MacFarlane S.  2019.  Genesis : on track : every album, every song /. :1volume:.
Valenzuela J-I.  2019.  Georges Delerue. De la Nouvelle Vague a Hollywood. :304.
Kristensen ELaugesen.  2019.  Georges Ulmer . :112pages:.
Scott DB.  2019.  German operetta on Broadway and in the West End, 1900-1940 . :x,383pages:.
Oost RB.  2019.  Gilbert and Sullivan : class and the Savoy tradition, 1875-1896 /. :1volume:.
Kinga P.  2019.  Gitáros apostolok : a keresztény könnyűzene vallástudományi vizsgálata. A vallási kultúrakutatás könyvei. 46:222.
Brueggemann W, Witvliet JD.  2019.  A glad obedience : why and what we sing /. :xvii,211pages;.
Eavis E, Eavis M.  2019.  Glastonbury 50 : the official story of Glastonbury Festival /. :1volume;.
Škoro M.  2019.  Glazba i autorsko pravo.
Duraković L.  2019.  Glazba kao odgojno sredstvo u formiranju „socijalističkog čovjeka“: nastava glazbe u osnovnim školama u Hrvatskoj (1945-1965). Muzikološke studije. 21:148.
Weber Z.  2019.  Glazbe prije svega. :650.
Ferić M.  2019.  Glazbena društva i glazbenici u Brodu na Savi i Slavonskom Brodu : 1871. - 1971.
Devenish L.  2019.  Global percussion innovations : the Australian perspective /. :viii,174pages:.
Saitō Y.  2019.  The global politics of jazz in the twentieth century : cultural diplomacy and "American music" /. 144:1volume;.
Everett WA.  2019.  The Global Reach of Zajc's Nikola Šubić Zrinjski. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Kennedy M, Aries J.  2019.  Glyndebourne : a short history /. :87pages:.
Burgh TW.  2019.  Is God funky or what? : Black biblical culture and contemporary popular music / vol. 111:xii,248pages;.
Dexter K.  2019.  'A good quire of voices' : the provision of choral music at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, and Eton College, c.1640-1733 /. :1onlineresource..
Rebés J-M.  2019.  Granados. Crónica y desenlace. Un estudio bio-bibliográfico. Artes y Estudio; nº 8. :494.
De Lucca V, Jeanneret C.  2019.  The grand theater of the world : music, space, and the performance of identity in early modern Rome /. :1onlineresource:.
